Random Batman quote I found on web.
Random Batman quote I found on web.
Random Batman quote I found on web.
Random Batman quote I found on web.
Random Batman quote I found on web.
Meant to doodle more... couldn't allow this prompt to slip me by 😉🦇💝.
🦇🤔...I couldn't help myself 🦇😉💝.
10 pts
Together with my 450 previous points = 460 pts
book recommendation for, Dark
Batman Begins...as in the Dark Knight 😉🦇...you bet I made that work 😂 (for those who do not know, I have a Batman Obsession).
This was the first regular book (without illustrations) that I have reread 💕📚🎬💝.
30 points together with my previous 420 points all totals to 450 pts.
#WickedWhispers October 3 prompt-Bats
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
An oldie movie but I loved it, specially that scene of him inside the cave facing his fears. Great scene. Well, I need to watch it again😃
For some reason, I would never watch an animated version of Batman. Strange, I love animation. Yet Batman had to be real.
How I came to watch, Son of Batman is mostly accidental & a bit wacky...long story short, I LOVED this animated flick.
I've read “about“ Bruce Wayne's son, Damian yet never found (in person) a book or movie with him. This is also my first glimpse of Nightwing
A new favorite alongside Batman Begins 👇.
As some of you have learned about me, I am a “little“ obsessed with Batman...😂, I know, more like a little, overly, obsessed with Batman.
And this remains my absolute favorite story about my favorite superhero.
The first “reread“ of a book without a single, pretty illustration 🤔, and I loved just the same as I had the first time reading this book. 👇