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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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#ClassicLSFBC #ReadAway2024 I want to enjoy every book I read or listen to. But I‘ve listened to more than three hours and I‘m not enjoying it, it‘s not causing me to think about possibilities, the only thing it is doing is annoying me. So I‘m bailing.

RamsFan1963 Bailing seems to be the general consensus 5d
CatLass007 @RamsFan1963 Really? Well the only way to discover if you like something is to give it a try. 5d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 4d
DieAReader 👋🏻🤓Next up!! 4d
julesG Another one!!! This is going to be a very interesting discussion. 4d
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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3 ⭐️s
This was…interesting, to a point. Probably my favorite parts were the interesting twist on linguistics and Sumerian history/mythology. I‘m a sucker for anything pertaining to ancient Mesopotamia. Probably the only reason I finished. The characters aren‘t likable, they‘re a Mary Sue and Gary Stu. 🙄 I really thought Stephenson was going to do more. The ending was so lackluster and felt very slapped together. Really hoped for more oomph…

TheSpineView I totally agree with you on the characters. 6d
RaeLovesToRead @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I need to check out this book club!!!! 6d
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RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 It continues to not look promising 🤔🤔 6d
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @RaeLovesToRead Our previous read, Way Station, was AMAZING! This one was definitely a letdown after that one. 🤦‍♀️ (edited) 6d
DaveGreen7777 @RaeLovesToRead Snow Crash is getting put lower and lower on my To-Be-Read list… close to the portion of the list that is labeled “Maybe I‘ll get around to reading this one if I live to be 200 years old”! 😂 6d
RaeLovesToRead @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I feel I definitely should join, but it might have to be in a month or so once I've finished planned buddy reads... also there's Camp Litsy to think about. I love classic sci fi though and since coming home I've not had a sci fi book club 😭 6d
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 if you find the philosopher's stone (and the Noble collection replica DOES NOT COUNT (I've checked)) please share with me so I can read extra books too 😊 6d
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @RaeLovesToRead No worries! The group is VERY laidback. There‘s no pressure to read every book, you can sit out a readalong whenever. I myself don‘t really know if my reading plans for June will give me time to participate this upcoming month. 😅 6d
Ruthiella We are on the same page. I liked all the Sumerian mythology. But I found the action scenes strangely uninteresting and Hiro and YT not very compelling. I feel like there were sections missing in the book. How did YT and Hiro become partners after the initial encounter? According to the afterword in the edition I read, originally it was supposed to be a graphic novel. Maybe it‘s that explains it? 🤔 6d
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Ruthiella Yes! The action scenes felt like a rough draft before maybe expanding on them in rewrites. Some things felt like they just happened and we‘re supposed to just fill in the in between scenes. I saw that it was initially supposed to be a graphic novel too. I don‘t know whether that would have helped any of it or not. I was also uncomfortable with Y.T.s age. I don‘t understand why she had to be so young, especially given later scenes… 6d
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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Meme from a Reddit post I found after reading Fall; or Dodge in Hell.

Well, I've given Stephenson a try. Again.

#ClassicLSFBC (I hope I got the # right)

TrishB I tried once. 6d
Amiable I feel like this describes some Stephen King novels, too. 6d
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm 🤣😂🤣 This is exactly how I felt reading Snow Crash! 6d
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Susanita 😂😂😂 6d
DaveGreen7777 OMG @RaeLovesToRead another one! @julesG I was considering reading Snow Crash after not being able to get into Neuromancer but wanting to give another cyberpunk author a try, but yours and other reviews have convinced me I may want to try a different book! 6d
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 I have to read it now. I love reading books that have been universally panned (with the exception of Ulysses. Made it about 3 pages with that)... gonna take one for the team!!!! 6d
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 That meme! I agree. There was so much potential but it didn‘t quite reach it. 6d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 5d
RamsFan1963 @DaveGreen7777 Have you read Burning Chrome by Gibson? I think it's better than Neuromancer, and as short stories it's easier to digest. 5d
DaveGreen7777 @RamsFan1963 Hmmm… I haven‘t read Burning Chrome, I‘ll have to give that one a try! 5d
julesG @Amiable I agree, some SK are like that too. 5d
julesG @RaeLovesToRead Don't do it. Just pick any other book off your TBR. 5d
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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This is May's #ClassicLSFBC selection. I have tried for several weeks to get it read. I just couldn't do it. The writing style was not for me. Also, I thought the characters lacked likeability. Bailed at 22%. #HailTheBail

@RamsFan1963 You are spot on with your review of this book.

julesG Phew, am I glad I'm not alone. I didn't dare to post a review because I thought I was the only one struggling 6d
TheSpineView @julesG I don't get what others saw in this one. 6d
julesG I'm bailing on Seveneves too. Which makes it four books by the author that I just couldn't. It's either me, or him. But I think it's him. 🤣🤣 6d
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Susanita As Anne Bogel says: It‘s never just you. 6d
Ruthiella I finished it but it wasn‘t easy! 😂 There are plenty of other readers who love it, which is great, but it‘s not my cup of tea. #allhailthebail 6d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 5d
RamsFan1963 It just doesn't age well, what might have been cutting edge at the time has turned cliche. I might have to add him to my list of writers I just don't get. 5d
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Snow Crash | Neal Stephenson
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I'm done. I read this six years ago, and panned it. I tried to reread it with a fresh attitude, but I still think it's an over hyped mediocre piece of cyberpunk, so I'm bailing at 40%
#ClassicLSFBC #hailthebail

Crazeedi No reason to torture yourself! Too many books, too little time 6d
Oryx I've tried and bailed on this twice. I thought I must be missing something with it, so I'm glad it's not just me! 6d
Ruthiella I finished it, but I agree with your assessment. I really wanted to like it, but it was just OK. Have you read any thing else from Stephenson? 6d
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RamsFan1963 @Ruthiella I have Cryptonomicon, The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O., Interface and Reamde on my TBR shelves. Whether I'll ever read them is debatable, Crypto and Reamde are major chunksters. I did read Zodiac by him and thought it was so-so 6d
TheSpineView I was thinking of bailing also. Now I don't feel guilty about it. I totally agree that it is way overhyped. Very disappointed. 6d
dabbe YES! 🤩🤩🤩 6d
julesG I bailed too. And then I went and started Seveneves yesterday. I must be mad. DODO is good, probably because of the co-author, Nicole Galland. 6d
DaveGreen7777 @RaeLovesToRead This reminds me of our discussion about Neuromancer! 😱 6d
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 Gah. I'm gonna hate it, aren't I? 😅 6d
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Burning Chrome | William Gibson
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51/150 While Neuromancer is the better known Gibson book, I found this to be the superior read. Short stories that carry a punch, views of a world full of technological wonders, but Gibson prefers to explore the dark underbelly of that shiny future, what people will give up or become to survive. 4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫
51st book finished for #Readaway2024 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65

DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2w
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Burning Chrome | William Gibson
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I put the shotgun in an Adidas bag and padded it out with four pairs of tennis socks, not my style at all, but that was what I was aiming for: If they think you're crude, go technical; if they think you're technical, go crude.

From "Johnny Mnemonic"
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

Burning Chrome | William Gibson
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This will be an ultra-rare double reread for me. According to Litsy, I read and panned Snow Crash 6 years ago, but I'm reading it again for #ClassicLSFBC. I don't remember much about it except it was chaotic. I originally read Burning Chrome around '88-'89, so it's been long enough for it to feel new again.

Ruthiella I read a review that positioned Snow Crash between Neuromancer (which I found difficult to follow at times) and Ready Player One (which I loved). 3w
RamsFan1963 @Ruthiella I loved Ready Player One also, but I was only so-so for Neuromancer. I'm finding his short stories in Burning Chrome more entertaining than the novel. 3w
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Rifts Bionic Sourcebook | Kevin Siembieda

Great rifts book about cybernetics and bionics!

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(2015) Another read for April's #ReadYourKindle challenge. This one has been in my Kindle since 2015, when I picked it up for free (and with a different cover FWIW). It's not bad. Considering the stuff you get free on Kindle it's even quite good: a manic sorta-cyberpunk story about drugs, androids, kink, drugs, body switching, crime, and drugs. I probably won't continue the series-- it's a ride, but I think it's not mine.