Lookie what came in the mail! Thank you so much @umbrellagirl for the Harney Tea!! it‘s such a perfect way to start the new year right!! #cuppatea #newyear
Lookie what came in the mail! Thank you so much @umbrellagirl for the Harney Tea!! it‘s such a perfect way to start the new year right!! #cuppatea #newyear
It was a late night at work, so now I'm winding down with a little bit of tea, and a whole lot of Merlin 😊 I love Colin Morgan 💚 He's just wonderful!
#folklore #magic #legends #stories #kingdoms #camelot #merlin #greatestsorcerertoeverlive #onceandfutureking #arthurpendragon #bbc #cuppatea #tonightimbritish
Cracking on with my book.. Had a busy weekend! Better catch up! #bookandtea #cuppatea #read #readingtime #ilovebooks
Enjoying a cuppa while reading this tiny gem! #cuppatea #royalty #princeofwales #theroyalnanny #bertie