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I hinted that my picture yesterday was a spoiler for my Halloween costume, and I'm excited for how it turned out! I wore it to my library Halloween party (I work in youth services there). Jinkies! #characteriddressupas #booktober

britt_brooke You look awesome and adorable. Love it! 8y
Tcip Dude, you did an epic job! 8y
DeeLew Awesome!!! 8y
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Merethebookgal So cute! 8y
Darthdad Fantastic 8y
Bookzombie Great costume! 8y
Well-ReadNeck Spot on!!! You look amazing!! 8y
Tanzy13 💟📚 8y
Tanzy13 🎃 8y
Suzze Perfection! 💕 8y
Eyelit 💯 8y
Krisjericho @BookishMarginalia @Well-ReadNeck @Tanzy13 @Suzze @Eyelit Awww, you all are making me blush! Thanks! 🤗 8y
bmsddk Groovy! This is perfect 👏👏👏🐶 8y
quirkyreader As we all know, Velma rules. 🐸🐙 8y
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Such a fun costume from one of my top favourite books and movies 😄 A woman Dread Pirate Roberts -- can you imagine the adventurous stories with her? I already have all the components except for the sword, which isn't all that necessary during the poison scene; a goblet should work well in its place. ~ October Photo Challenge catch-up ~ #Day28 #CharacterIdDressUpAs #booktober #bookphotochallenge ~ @RealLifeReading

Leniverse I'd love to be a female Inigo Montoya. 8y
bmsddk @Leniverse Cool idea! We could team up for a sword duel titled, "The Greatest Duel of All Times...For Real This Time" ? Might have to be with books instead of though (for the pen is mightier than the sword, haha)... 8y
Cortg My daughter and I watched this last night! 8y
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bmsddk @Cortg 😀👍 8y
Leniverse @bmsddk We could get some nice long feather pens to wave at each other, while we trade bookish insults and quotes. 8y
bmsddk @Leniverse Capital set-up! Time to break out certain books ? "You seem a decent fellow, I hate to die...er...be taken for a sponge." 8y
Leniverse I'm brushing up on my Insult Sword Fighting, Monkey Island style: "You fight like a dairy farmer!" http://www.int33h.com/test/mi/ 8y
bmsddk @Leniverse HAHAHA, that's perfect ?☺ Returning the kindness of the "rope" (the link) with this duel resource: http://web.mit.edu/dryfoo/Funny-pages/shakespeare-insult-kit.html -- Ah, but with the straightforward yet effective techniques of a dairy farmer, I'm most qualified to assure you that I'm not milk-livered! But I know something you don't know. I am not left-handed...er...I can fight *not* like a dairy farmer as well ? 8y
SiriGuruDevSingh 😍😍😍😍 8y
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Ms. Marvel Vol. 1 | G Willow Wilson
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#booktober day 28: character I'd dress up as.
Migraine day yesterday meant I didn't get a chance to post this! As a kid in Singapore, Halloween wasn't really celebrated (although it's more popular there today) but I wanted to dress up as Anne Shirley. Thinking about it today though, I'd love to be Kamala Khan aka Ms Marvel! At least I've got the right hair colour for this character! #characteriddressupas

DGRachel I hope you're feeling better today! 8y
Cinfhen Hope you're feeling better! I'm dealing with a migraine today as well. Second this week, which makes me wonder if it's seasonal??? 8y
Lola Migraines are the worst. Hope you're feeling better soon! Love that picture 😂 8y
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kspenmoll Hope you are better. Love your picture! 8y
bmsddk Hope your head is/will feel better! 8y
JessieHeninger Love Ms. Marvel!! 8y
DebinHawaii Hope you are feeling much better. 🤕 8y
moranadatter I hope you're feeling better! 8y
RealLifeReading Thanks @DGRachel @bmsddk @DebinHawaii @kmdartist Was a lot better when I posted this yesterday! 8y
RealLifeReading @Cinfhen maybe the change in weather is migraine inducing! 8y
RealLifeReading @kspenmoll @Lola @JessieHeninger Ms Marvel/Kamala is just awesome! 8y
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Today, I give you two for the price of one with the photo challenges. The #CharacterIdDressUpAs just happens to be a #WitchOrGhost. I was Elphaba (the Wicked Witch of the West) for every Halloween from age 8 to age 17. Fortunately, there's no photographic evidence of my poorly applied green face paint. #booktober #OctPhotoChallenge

Texreader That would have been so fun to see! I love your consistency. My kids do that now sometimes: repeating their fave costumes for Halloween 8y
RealLifeReading Great choice!! 8y
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Five Nights at Freddy's: The Silver Eyes | Scott Cawthon, Kira Breed-Wrisley
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foxy's always been my favorite! #characteriddressupas #booktober

Texreader This looks like s very scary version of our San Antonio Spurs' mascot a coyote. 😂😂 8y
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I'm late to the party, but I think it would be fun to dress up as Sally. #characteriddressupas #booktober

Sandman | Neil Gaiman
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I ❤️Halloween - lots of costumes, and always just slightly off kilter. I even dress up my cat. Now that I think of it, it's a bit of a surprise I haven't yet been Death.... Probably because I already wear this outfit, minus the ankh, on a regular basis 😱#characteriddressupas #booktober

Macbeth | William Shakespeare
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I'll be honest, ever since I took a Shakespearean Studies class in college, I've wanted to dress up as one of his characters. He created such interesting and varied female characters. Like Lady Macbeth. I keep planning these elaborate costumes, then procrastinating until the last minute and just digging something out of my closet. #booktober #characteriddressupas @RealLifeReading

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This might just be a spoiler for my Halloween costume. Maybe. :) #characteriddressupas #booktober

britt_brooke 👍🏻👍🏻 8y
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