#amreading #janicethompson‘s upcoming release, #myheartbelongsinsanfranciscocaliforniaabbysprospects.....what are YOU reading? #cafinatedreadsreviews #bookreviewer #NetGalley #christianhistoricalfiction #myheartbelongsseries
#amreading #janicethompson‘s upcoming release, #myheartbelongsinsanfranciscocaliforniaabbysprospects.....what are YOU reading? #cafinatedreadsreviews #bookreviewer #NetGalley #christianhistoricalfiction #myheartbelongsseries
How I‘m spending my Thursday. #currentlyreading #cafinatedreadsreviews #gallbladderissuessuck #hidascanssuck #atleastihaveagoodbook #bookreviewer #bookblogger
I take loads of books to them and come home with more! #confessionsofabookaholic #cafinatedreadsreviews #dogearedbooksnc #janeausten #francinerivers #litsygram
After a great day visiting and shopping with my beautiful sister and brother in law, I came home to awesome Book mail! #stackingtheshelves #wandasclippityclopclub #arc #cafinatedreadsreviews #streetteam #litsygram #clippityclopclub #amishfiction
What‘s on YOUR weekend reading list??? #karenkingsburybookclub #baxterfamilyseries #cafinatedreadsreviews #litsygram #cafinatedreadslitsygram #currentlyreading #amreading
#StackingTheShelves today with some awesome #bookmail! #thefictionguild #tyndalereaderrewards #bethanyhousebloggers #WWII #Historicalromance #christianfictionreviewer #cafinatedreadsreviews #happyfallyall #ilovecows #litsygram
Definitely still a 5 ⭐️ book in my opinion. Mrs. Kingsbury can create a novel that will suck you in, wrap you up in God‘s warmth and grace, & set you down in a brand new place. Her words will stay with you long after you‘ve shut the pages, long after you‘ve placed the book back on the shelf. She will leave you breathless and ready for the next book. http://cafinatedreads.com/re-read-book-review-redemption-by-karen-kingsbury/ #cafinatedreadsreviews
I‘m so excited that it‘s time for Christmas movies again! Are you? Why do you head to my newest blog posting and leave me a comment on the blog with your favorite Christmas movie. Can‘t wait to check out #EnchantedChristmas on #HallmarkChannel this Sunday! #MissionpicturesIntl #cafinatedreadsreviews http://cafinatedreads.com/are-you-ready-for-this-hallmark-coming/