West Winds "The Sabre" gin with mandarin liqueur, elderflower tonic, and a lime wedge. (Oh, and a book.) #booksanddrinks #booksandbooze #booksandcocktails
West Winds "The Sabre" gin with mandarin liqueur, elderflower tonic, and a lime wedge. (Oh, and a book.) #booksanddrinks #booksandbooze #booksandcocktails
It's Friday night. I've got a cute YA romance anthology and a Bombay Sapphire with pink grapefruit soda. Life could be worse. #booksanddrinks #booksandbooze
This was 3 years ago, so it was probably Mockingjay Part One. I had President Snow, and it was delicious, unlike his politics. #booksanddrinks #hungergames #Cinebistro
So I got distracted during the #readathon and ended up out at a literary themed bar 💁🏻. Especially one that was themed on my book club reading this week. Oh well, better luck next time! #literarycocktails #booksanddrinks
As sweet as this concoction is the drama in my current read! What's your usual go-to drink when reading? 💞
#LITSydrink #seewhatididthere
Calming down for a bit after work with a book and cider flight at a local brewery #booksanddrinks
#somethingforsept #booksanddrinks My friend felt bad that I didn't get cake for my birthday last month so she made me DELICIOUS spice cake cupcakes from scratch. Even just the smell is amazing. 😋 Enjoying it with tea and a book (a favorite combo).
A Russian bartender showed me this drink once... 😂😜 #BooksAndDrinks #Optimator #SomethingForSept #LitsyLiquors #BooksOnTap
(no beer was harmed in the making of this photo 🍺🍸)