Got this beauty a few weeks ago and was too warm to wear it. Finally it's cold enough and just in time for me to see Pt2 in theaters tonight! ❤☺🎈
#youllfloattoo #pennywise #hottopic #muchlove #losersclub #beepbeep #wantaballoon #lover
Got this beauty a few weeks ago and was too warm to wear it. Finally it's cold enough and just in time for me to see Pt2 in theaters tonight! ❤☺🎈
#youllfloattoo #pennywise #hottopic #muchlove #losersclub #beepbeep #wantaballoon #lover
Current read! Featuring some old friends. ☺❤#king #muchlove #windydays #fiftiesstyle #beepbeep #timetravel #sugarpopchallenge
Did I enjoy It, yes! Did I love It... maybe not. I think I could use some heavy editing and there is definitely that one moment that never needed to happen 😳😬 But I am really glad I read It! 🎈🎈🎈🎈 #catsoflitsy #stormagedonbookcat #beepbeep
This guy is five months old! Can you believe it? I can‘t! We‘ve both been sick all week but still getting some read aloud time in - The Little Blue Truck went over quite well today! #boardbooks #connerbaby #beepbeep #imustacheyouaquestionaboutyourtoreadlist
What with being slammed with work and a less than ideal headspace lately I've lost my reading time. Happy to be back at it with the Losers Club tonight #stephenking #weallfloat #beepbeep #nocturnalreadersbox
#BeepBeep 🖤🎪🎈
#constantreader #sk_fans #derrymaine #castlerock #salemslot #stephenkingfan #stephenkingbooks #stephenkingrules #stephenkingsit #bookandflowers #bookish #booknerd #bookworm #readordie #bookdragon #bookstagram #libraryofinstagram #bookpics #booknerds #bookstagramit #epicreads #bookstagrammer #horrorbooks #horrorhound #horrornerd