Came across this booknat the library and it really piqued my interest! Although it doesn't match any of my challenges I'm excited to start off 2022 with a book that seems super fascinating. #backintoreading #reading2022 #ilovetoread
Came across this booknat the library and it really piqued my interest! Although it doesn't match any of my challenges I'm excited to start off 2022 with a book that seems super fascinating. #backintoreading #reading2022 #ilovetoread
#family#backintoreading #UConnvsHolyCross #rivalstogether
#footballunderthelights#familytime @Tiffy_Reads
This is not book related really (although I brought my Nook into the stadium in case...) My son surprised us with tickets for nice blue bucket seats to tonights UConn v. HolyCross football game. He goes to UConn;my husband & I went to Holy Cross, so he asked us to wear college colors & share a fun rivalry. Had wonderful family time.UConn won.
#backintoreading #englishclassclassic
Not keeping up with photo challenges due to travel, but this book is in my sister's house. Since I co-teach a unit on #ToKillaMockingbird every year, of course it's my pick for this days challenge.
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
#backintoreading #bannedbooklove #toomanybannedbooks
Just a sample of banned books we own. Fortunately I grew up in a family where there was access to any books-