Somebody is making it very hard to read.... And I'm enjoying this book, almost halfway through it...#dogsoflitsy #aniaahlborn
Somebody is making it very hard to read.... And I'm enjoying this book, almost halfway through it...#dogsoflitsy #aniaahlborn
Now back to my obsession with creepy, dark books and Ania Ahlborn.... Heading to Des Moines to take my 5 year old granddaughter to the Science Center and out for lunch 😃 #ilovecreepy #aniaahlborn #travelreading #dogsoflitsy
Book 5 of 2018: “Even he knew that if demons could exist, it meant there was real evil in the world, and if you believed in the devil, somewhere in the deepest fibers of your being you had to believe in God.” #AniaAhlborn
✨I really enjoyed The Devil Crept In and Apart in the Dark by #aniaahlborn so I definitely can‘t wait to get to #brother by her! She is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. If I enjoy this one as well then I will have to go buy all of her other books! Have you read anything by this author?✨#horror
✨I have music and a book all picked out for some relaxing time later tonight! #apartinthedark by #aniaahlborn and some Slipknot on vinyl!✨#horror #thriller #novellas
Snuggling in for the night to start a spooky read #aniaahlborn #spooky #snuggle #bookoclock #readingtime
🌟A big thank you to @gallerybooks for sending a free copy of #thedevilcreptin by #aniaahlborn in exchange for an honest review. I'm about halfway through and loving it so far!!🌟