October wrap up! I read one more book than I had planned which was awesome.
#roseblood #aliceinzombieland #theknifeofneverlettinggo #cradleandall #theheartswesold #octoberwrapup
October wrap up! I read one more book than I had planned which was awesome.
#roseblood #aliceinzombieland #theknifeofneverlettinggo #cradleandall #theheartswesold #octoberwrapup
I have seriously been so bad about posting things. This is my October TBR!
#roseblood #cradleandall #theknifeofneverlettinggo #aliceinzombieland
First up: this was 110% not what I was expecting at all. I was expecting a down the rabbit hole experience where Wonderland was filled with zombies and Alice had to battle her way to save Wonderland ..... that's what I get for not reading the description.
Review continues in comments!
#genashowalter #aliceinzombieland #flowers #candle #novelheartbeat #whiterabbitchronicles
Toen ik las dat het vierde deel niet vertaald is, terug gebracht naar de bieb. Ik kon er toch al niet goed inkomen, helaas. #aliceinzombieland #genashowalter
I just love #aliceinzombieland and #throne of glass. They are both such great series! I've read all of the Alice in Zombieland ones, but I still need to catch up on the Throne of Glass series. I am nervous to start Queen of Shadows since I'm scared my ship sank lol! 😂
Yay! It's lunch time for me. I have leftover pizza from #nationalcheesepizzaday. What's for lunch?
#LilBookishAugust: Navy & Green Books.
#navyandgreenbooks #navybooks #greenbooks #serpentking #aliceinzombieland #forgivemyfins #insurgent #tempestrising #funkopop #popvinyl