Who would DOOOO such a thing? 😩
(The Drunk Austen Facebook page strikes again.)
Who would DOOOO such a thing? 😩
(The Drunk Austen Facebook page strikes again.)
DNFING on page 73. It's just so bad. If it wasn't 568 pages I might tough it out (archaeology thrillers are my favorite trashy book). The writing is soooo bad. Ain't nobody got time to waste on bad books #aintnobodygottimeforthat #badbook
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ When I listen to audiobooks, I only do so in my car while driving to and from work. And then this little thriller came along and sucked me in. If I had kept to only listening to it on my commute, it would have taken me another five days. #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat #IAteThisBookUp