⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ When I listen to audiobooks, I only do so in my car while driving to and from work. And then this little thriller came along and sucked me in. If I had kept to only listening to it on my commute, it would have taken me another five days. #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat #IAteThisBookUp
Meg11726 I loved this book. It dragged me in and wouldn't let me go! Wish it wouldn't have ended. 9y
Ashley_Nicoletto The audiobook of this is SO incredibly good. 9y
LilMamaMastro Same for me! I had my headphones on at every possible moment out of the car when listening to this audio book. It's the only time I've ever done that. 9y
ReadingEnvy That's always a sign of a good audiobook! When it consumes your life and not just your commute! 9y