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25/150 While I appreciate that the original cast of The X-Files was involved in this, I can't say it was very good. Too many plot holes and unanswered questions (what happened to Agents Dockett and Reyes?!?) remained to have a satisfying conclusion. 3 🛸🛸🛸

Texreader I had to bail on this one 2y
RamsFan1963 @Texreader I can't blame you, it definitely loses something without the visuals. 2y
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X-Files: The Truth Is Out There | Kami Garcia, Kelley Armstrong, Rachel Caine, David Liss, Hank Phillippi Ryan, Greg Cox, Bev Vincent, Jon McGoran, Hank Schwaeble, David Sakmyster, Sarah Stegall, Glenn Grenberg
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I really enjoyed the first of these anthologies of short stories (Trust No One), but this one was not so great. One standout, Rachel Caine's story, didn't make up for several that were just bad and the rest that were mediocre. Narration was great.

#scarathlon points: (15×5)+1+(9hours x 5 thons x 10)=526 #teamslaughter @Clwojick #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks #31by31 @Catsandbooks #spookaween2022 @TheSpineView #littenlisten @aperfectmjk

Catsandbooks 🙌🏼👻🖤 2y
Maria514626 Oh how I miss this show! 😔 2y
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X-Files: Trust No One | Tim Lebbon, Peter Clines, Heather Graham, Anderson, Kevin J., Max Allan Collins, Brian Keene, Aaron Rosenberg, Ray Garton, Stefan Petrucha, Gayle Lynds, John Sheldon, Keith R. A. DeCandido, Paul Crilley, W. D. Gaglian, David Benton, Timothy Deal, Gini Loch
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This was a great selection of short stories. Of the 15, there were only 2 that I didn't care for. The rest were all terrific. And the dual narrators were fantastic.

#scarathlon points: 426 (7 hours, 15 stories, 5 thons)
@Clwojick #spookaween2022 @TheSpineView #31by31 @Catsandbooks #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks #littenlisten @aperfectmjk

Catsandbooks 🙌🏼👻💜 2y
TheSpineView Awesome 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
41 likes3 comments
The X-Files: Skin | Ben Mezrich
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X makes me think of The X-Files novels. I remember thinking the tagged book was really good when I read it.

#AlphabetGame #LetterX

emz711 I had no idea they made one! 2y
JessClark78 @emz711 They have at least six older novels based on the show. Goblins, Whirlwind, Ground Zero, Ruins, Antibodies, and Skin are the ones I have. 2y
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After rewatching a couple of episodes of x files series 1, I dug out this gem. I saved my pocket money for this back then - it was expensive in 1995 - £15.99!! - this was a big purchase for me! Worth every penny though.

TrishB Loved these 👍🏻 you know, back in the day! 3y
readingjedi I was totally obsessed with The X-Files for a long time. Had many episodes on video cassettes - seems so long ago! 👽 3y
56 likes2 comments
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It was a pleasure to re-visit the X-Files with Mulder, Scully, Skinner, the Lone Gunmen, and the Smoking Man. I appreciated Fox pulling out the ‘I Want to Believe‘ poster. The whole crew was at it again, solving the most unusual events with aliens and strange creatures. The Audible production was very well executed with the original cast and dramatic effects. The storyline picked right up from the X-Files movie and TV miniseries. #MountTBR

mypoesoul 👽🙌 3y
swishandflick Haha, great picture! 3y
NatalieR @mypoesoul @swishandflick Thanks! 🛸😄👽 3y
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Another favorite of Chaya's today. #BBRC letter x @LibrarianRyan #RoaringWolf @Roary47 @Littlewolf1 green on the cover

Roary47 That looks neat. 😊💛 3y
LibrarianRyan Love this series. 3y
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description or reason for wanting to read the book. Some are old and some will be new. Don't judge me - I have a lot of books.
Day 357

#tbrmountain #bookbuyingdiet

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The X-Files is my favorite show of all time, so this was right in my wheelhouse. It was a load of fun to read about Mulder as a kid and to learn more about Cigarette Smoking Man. I‘m not sure if this is the type of book only hard-core fans can appreciate, but I had a blast with it!

RamsFan1963 I have both the Mulder and the Scully origin books on my TBR shelves 3y
Angitron @RamsFan1963 That‘s awesome! After having read this, I‘m excited to read the Scully one! 3y
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The X-Files: Goblins | Charles Grant
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Today's listen. This one is included with an audible sub, and when I started it, I was wondering if I'd be able to find the rest of the series to borrow. Then I discovered that all 8 books are included in the audible sub, so I know what I'll be listening to for the next week or so.

#TheTruthIsOnAubibleApparently 😁

For the record, this book (about an hour and a half in at least) is just ok. But good enough for freebies.