The winner for #WorstRead2024 is The Mars House.
Thank you, @CSeydel for creating the brackets.
The winner for #WorstRead2024 is The Mars House.
Thank you, @CSeydel for creating the brackets.
Ugh!!! I like a good first draft, this was not good, but read like a draft. Predictable. Very fanfiction-y.
She's not like the other girls. He can't stand her. But they are drawn together...
The banter was very YA (fae don't know what a ghost is, but know what Cliffs Notes are?). It's only NA or even adult Romantasy because swearing and 🌶️
I'm definitely not the target audience for this train wreck.
#WorstRead2024 @CSeydel
#WorstRead2024 @CSeydel
The Silence Factory wins. I know this might be an #UnpopularOpinion, but I just found the book boring. I guess Gothic is not my jam.
This one just had a really high ick factor.
Bracket by @CSeydel
#WorstRead2024 @CSeydel
I'm not saying this book is absolut 💩, but it was the worst book I read in September.
#WorstRead2024 @CSeydel
The Wren in the Holly Library - lovely cover, good idea, poor execution.
Need to think about which of the July/August books was worse than the other.
July's 💩 read was The Last Witch In Edinburgh (ARC).
Looking at my chart so far, I have a knack for picking the wrong (for me) ARCs. 🤣🤣
#WorstRead2024 @CSeydel
First half of the year is as good as over. Time to review June, add a wild card and tally the first half of #WorstRead2024.
June's worst read was My Brother's Keeper - I expected too much.
My Wild Card is Pole Position - this was a dumpster fire
Tallying up the first six months: Mars House is the clear winner, or loser.
May's stinker was The Puzzle Wood. I might have had too high expectations. The ARC read like an early draft. The finished novel might be more well-polished and historical inaccuracies might have been edited out.
Let's see what June brings.
#WorstRead2024 @CSeydel
My April #WorstRead2024 just wasn‘t for me. On the plus side, it was the only book I didn‘t like last month. 26 good (some great) reads in a month are #bookproblems I can handle. 🤓
Bracket by @CSeydel 💙