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More Weird and Wonderful Words | Erin McKean, Danny Shanahan
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CBee Very cool! 3w
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More Weird and Wonderful Words | Erin McKean, Danny Shanahan
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It‘s #WeirdWordWednesday I‘m sharing the cover of the final book in a trilogy today. I‘ve previously shared the covers of the first two books, because the titles are all #WeirdWords, which I hope you all have enjoyed.

CBee I‘m very much enjoying your word choices! 😊 2mo
CatLass007 @CBee If I hadn‘t just happened upon this trilogy searching for something else, I doubt I‘d have anything to post. But I just love the way the covers are designed and the marvelous words that the author chose as his book titles. 2mo
CatLass007 @CBee If I hadn‘t just happened upon this trilogy searching for something else, I doubt I‘d have anything to post. But I just love the way the covers are designed and the marvelous words that the author chose as her book titles. 2mo
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More Weird and Wonderful Words | Erin McKean, Danny Shanahan
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#WeirdWordsWednesday This picture is the cover of a book I haven‘t read. It‘s actually the second book in a trilogy that I haven‘t read. But I really like the covers and the books sound interesting.

CBee I really like this word! 3mo
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More Weird and Wonderful Words | Erin McKean, Danny Shanahan
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I don‘t have the book yet but I thought it would be fun to share the cover for #WeirdWordsWednesday.

CBee Oooo, this is a word I‘ve never heard of and didn‘t know existed - thank you 😊👍🏻 (edited) 3mo
CatLass007 @CBee You‘re welcome. It‘s the first book in a trilogy and if I get a chance to listen to this one and I like it, I‘ll make sure to tag you on those when I listen to them. 3mo
CBee @CatLass007 that would be great! Thank you! 3mo
Bookwomble The first time I came across this word was in a short story which had a vicious dog coming for the MC, and it described their fear of the approaching animal's "mordacious proprinquity", and it's a phrase I've never forgotten and, though rarely, have used! 3mo
CatLass007 @Bookwomble Mordacious AND propinquity in the same sentence?! Excellent!😂 3mo
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Mouseling's Words | Shutta Crum
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TheSpineView Perfect!😍😊🥰 7mo
dabbe @TheSpineView 💚💙💚 7mo
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Weird and Wonderful Words | Roz Chast, Erin McKean
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My partner sent me this Instagram reel this morning. This word is so me and it's fun to say. According to urban dictionary it can also mean "to cuddle with, rub faces and noses with, and generally make a fuss over your pets" - which I also love to do. So snerdle is about to make a come back in my vocabulary ???
#WeirdWordWednesday #WeirdWords @CBee

CBee Ohhhhh I could be a professional snerdler 😂 10mo
5feet.of.fury Awww so cute. I could go for either definition right about now. 10mo
dabbe I think most of us love to snerdle our pets, right? Love to say it out loud! 💜🖤🧡 10mo
Megabooks Great word! 10mo
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TheSpineView 💜💜💜 11mo
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Weird and Wonderful Words | Roz Chast, Erin McKean
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#weirdwordwednesday Saw this in an Etsy store.

Schnapsidee: German - An idea so ridiculous you must have been drunk when you thought it up.

Although I have to ask @julesG if this is an actual German word. Curious minds want to know.

AkashaVampie haha i love that word!!! I dont drink anymore but yeah awesome word. 14mo
slategreyskies I‘m curious as to whether or not it‘s a real word as well. 14mo
swynn It's in LEO (the online German-English language tool) so... https://dict.leo.org/german-english/schnapsidee 14mo
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wanderinglynn @swynn good enough for me! 👍🏻😀 @slategreyskies 14mo
CBee Hubby is German so I‘m going to see if he‘s heard of this word! Thanks for posting 💚 14mo
julesG It is a real German word and the explanation is correct too. I'm offering another wonderful German word: when the result in a game of dice is made up of repeat digits it's called a "Schnapszahl" and the person who has to shout a round of Schnaps. @CBee @swynn @slategreyskies @AkashaVampie 14mo
CBee @julesG very cool! 14mo
swynn @julesG Love it! 14mo
wanderinglynn Thanks @julesG 😀 One of these days, I‘m going to start learning German! I love all the fun words. 14mo
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Can‘t wait to see the titles you all come up with!

#Books #Titles #BookTitles #Bookish #Game #BookishGame #Words

*Borrowed from a post on Facebook*

BookNAround Catcher in the Rye Bread 1y
BookNAround I wanted to do Watership Down Spout but I‘m pretty sure that downspout is one word. 😂 1y
AsYouWish @BookNAround Love both of those!!! 💙💙💙💙 1y
Meshell1313 🤣🤣🤣 1y
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