You know how the days just run away from you in a week? Too busy baking for my markets. Well, I found 123 words in #WinterGames24 #WordSearch Total points of 1,230 #HolidayBookDragons @StayCurious
You know how the days just run away from you in a week? Too busy baking for my markets. Well, I found 123 words in #WinterGames24 #WordSearch Total points of 1,230 #HolidayBookDragons @StayCurious
I found some more #weirdwords. The only word I know is skein but that‘s because I crochet. I learned crochet terminology when I taught myself how to crochet. I taught myself by watching YouTube videos. Skein is a crochet term used in crochet but I didn‘t know it had more than one definition. I thought it was only a crochet term.
I just saw this comic on Facebook with fancy words and the only word I‘ve heard of is Fritter but when I saw the word Fritter, I only thought of the food item Chicken Fritters. I haven‘t had Chicken Fritters but I like Chicken. Now, I want Chicken Fritters. They look good.
Sorry for the blurry resolution, but I was intrigued by #5!
“23 Emotions People Feel, But Can't Explain
5. Vellichor: The strange wistfulness of used bookshops.“
I'm not sure this is an emotion I've consciously experienced in used bookstores, but perhaps unconsciously?
What do you all think?