The book creeped me out so much; therefore, I will use it for every prompt dealing with #WalkingOnTheMoon. #RockInMay
The book creeped me out so much; therefore, I will use it for every prompt dealing with #WalkingOnTheMoon. #RockInMay
#walkingonthemoon #rockinmay @Cinfhen Maybe a bit literal but this one has been on my digital TBR forever thanks to Book Riot. I think specifically the Get Booked podcast.
A very touching, hopeful play, and the closest thing I could find for this prompt! #walkingonthemoon #rockinmay
#RockInMay #walkingonthemoon Some moon-titled books from my shelves that aren't series books. I've read and enjoyed all of them except The Girl Who Drank the Moon which is in my e-book #TBR pile. No actual walking on the moon but maybe once it's been chased and caught up to?! 😆 🌚🌑🌘🌗🌖🌕🌖🌗🌓🌒🌑
One of my favorite books the year it came out. The teenagers of this town "breech" during full moons of their teenage years. The wildly cavort and follow their basest instincts. Told in retrospect from a woman who escaped the town, it's a great horrorish novel. #walkingonthemoon #rockinmay
#walkingonthemoon #rockinmay so werewolves are influenced by the moon. So kind of fits the prompt? 😂