This book was rated the number 1 book of the 21st century by the BBC culture critics‘ poll. It‘s my #twentyone choice for #novemberbythenumbers
This book was rated the number 1 book of the 21st century by the BBC culture critics‘ poll. It‘s my #twentyone choice for #novemberbythenumbers
This is the story about the 21-year-old Emma Woodhouse
#twentyone #novemberbythenumbers
Day #Twentyone is World Hello Day so take a moment to say hello, learn hello in another language, or just give a friendly wave. I don‘t have a book about making friends or being social - any good recs for our introverted Littens? (I‘m a more extroverted introvert who just fakes it...sigh...). I‘d love to be able to update this with a picture! #NovemberByTheNumbers
Bad shelfie of three of my complete HP collections- British children's hardcovers, Bloomsbury Signature Editions, and Andrew Davidson's hardcovers. (3 X 7 = #21) #twentyone #novemberbythenumbers
Another #tbr book. Subtitle is “Conflict, Migration, and Geopolitics in the Twenty-First Century”