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The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern
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Finished this one yesterday with many a mixed feeling. There are a lot of things to love about this book, but a strong plot definitely isn't one of them. It's a beautifully written but incredibly meandering book with characters that somehow always seem distant. I wasn't bored reading this book, but it was also a lot more work to read than it should have been. ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) With multiple layers and stories, sometimes it felt like this one was trying a little too hard to be clever. Still overall a pick, and a book I would like to read again now that I kind of know what is going on. 5y
TheAromaofBooks Challenges: Using this as the LGBT+ Love Story for both #Jennyis30 @jenniferw88 and #FancifulFebruary @4thhouseontheleft || #TurningPagesBingo - Fantasy || #FebruaryBookBingo - 3-word title 5y
robinb Great review! 5y
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TheAromaofBooks @robinb - Thank you! I struggled with rating this one. There was so much that I really loved about it, but overall it just felt like a little too much. I don't think that a person should have to read a 500 page book twice just to understand what's happening lol I also struggled because a lot of the “why“ for character action was “for LOVE“ except the characters “in love“ had only talked to each other like... once. So I didn't completely buy it lol 5y
robinb @TheAromaofBooks Totally understand. I‘ve heard mixed reviews on it. I‘ve sorta come to the conclusion that it sounds like a bit too much work for me. 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
TheAromaofBooks @robinb - it was frustrating because there is so much good there. The descriptions and world-building are lavish and magical, and Morgenstern can turn a phrase in a way that really grabs you. But it was a cotton candy kind of book - at the end of the day, there just wasn't much substance to the story. Oh well. Keep it on your list for sometime when you really have time to immerse yourself into a book!! 5y
BookishMe 👍🏽REVIEW 👍🏽 I was planning to read this before resuming Night Circus (love the writing but distracted by other books - Yikes ;o) I will manage expectations for this fantasy 😊😊 5y
robinb @TheAromaofBooks 👍👍😊 5y
TheAromaofBooks @BookishMe - I definitely didn't love this one as much as The Night Circus. The writing in both is gorgeous, but TNC has a more cohesive plot, I think. 5y
BookishMe @TheAromaofBooks good to know! Thanks 5y
nukie19 Good to know! This just came in from the library for me and it will be my next up... 5y
TheAromaofBooks @nukie19 - I've heard SO many mixed reviews on this one that it seems like it's definitely a book everyone should read and assess for themselves. I originally got it from the library because I wasn't sure if I was going to like it, but I think that I will buy it someday for the reread. 5y
BilboBookends I couldn‘t agree more 👏🏻 5y
TheAromaofBooks @BilboBookends - Thank you!! ❤ 5y
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The Wildings | Nilanjana Roy

No pic since my phone is on the fritz (sigh) -

I've been in a bit of a book slump the last couple of weeks, so I picked up this one with virtually no anticipation of finishing it. I was pulled almost unwillingly into the story, though - a clan of stray cats living in India is disturbed when a Sender appears in their midst, as legend says that Senders only appear during times of great need - and everything seems to be going well for the clan ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) At first this book was a little difficult to get into, but soon I was completely engaged in the characters, the setting, and the plot. While the animals in this story talk to one another, they still act completely like animals, and I don't think you have to particularly like cats in order to appreciate the complexity of the animal society the author creates. An unexpected pick, and weirdly a book that has drawn me back into reading. 5y
TheAromaofBooks Challenges: #Jennyis30 - Cats (obviously haha) @jenniferw88 || #TurningPagesBingo - Diverse Author || #BackwardsAtoZ - No R 5y
effani I really liked this one too! Glad it helped get you out of your slump. 5y
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TheAromaofBooks @effani - apparently there is also a sequel, which my library doesn't have, but I enjoyed this one so much that I hunted around and found it used for $6 on AbeBooks!! 5y
effani Nice find! I've heard the sequel isn't as good but I've still been meaning to read it. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @effani - I appreciated the way she concluded the first story, but left enough things open that a sequel could be purposeful. We'll see how it goes!! 5y
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Well Met | Jen DeLuca
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This was exactly what I wanted it to be: a quick, fluffy, happy read with likable characters. There were times when Emily felt a little slow on the uptake, but overall a fun story. GR shows a sequel coming out this fall, and I actually think there are other characters to explore so that could be nifty as well.

TheAromaofBooks Challenges: #ReadtheUSA2020 / #SeparatedbyaPondTour - Maryland @Andrew65 || #BackwardsAtoZ - No O || #FancifulFebruary - Read in Bed / Purple on the Cover @4thhouseontheleft || #FebruaryBookBingo - Couple on Cover || #TurningPagesBingo - Sword on Cover 5y
Andrew65 Sometimes this is exactly what you do need! I‘ve not got to Maryland yet. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - yes, it was a palette-cleanser kind of book! 5y
alisiakae That‘s a lot of prompts! 5y
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Free to Fall | Lauren Miller
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Set in the not-too-distant future, society looks very similar to today. Unsurprisingly, people are more dependent on their cell phones than ever, especially on an app called Lux, which analyzes every situation for you and tells you the optimal choice for every question - what to eat, where to shop, when to leave for an appointment. When Rory gets accepted to the most prestigious high school in the country, she's thrilled, especially when she ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks finds out that her mother (who died when Rory was born) also attended the same school. Things take a darker twist, though, as Rory begins to discover things about the school, a secret society, and (of course) Lux. While some aspects of this story were predictable YA/scifi/dystopian kind of stuff, overall I really loved the concept of a society that has done its best to quash that quiet voice in our heads & replace it with 100% rational choices ⬇ 5y
TheAromaofBooks thanks to technology. This book felt like it could easily have strayed too far into religious territory, but kept the balance well. Overall a fun read for its genre.

Challenges: #ReadtheUSA2020/#SeparatedbyaPondTour - Massachusetts @Andrew65 || #WinterBookBingo - Book on the TBR too long (since 2016!) @Honeybeegirl || #JanuaryBookBingo - Character moves to a new town || #TurningPagesBingo - Set in high school || #BackwardsAtoZ - No N || ⬇
TheAromaofBooks #FebruaryBookBingo - Title starts with F 5y
Crazeedi Well done!👏💕 5y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏😊 5y
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I was surprised at how entertaining and readable this classic ended up being. Verne's heroes are always strong, silent, scientific men, and Fogg is no exception. We never really find out why he takes on his bet, but he calmly deals with every delay that appears. My favorite part is when his servant rescues the girl, but the girl views Fogg as the hero and falls in love! 😆 Published in 1872, so there is definitely a sense of inherent white ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) supremacy as they pass through areas like India and Japan, but this was the height of colonialism, so in a weird way it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be?? All in all, Verne weaves a fun and entertaining tale that I definitely recommend.

One book down for #24B4Monday!! Haven't been tracking my hours this time around, but hoping to finish two more books by the end of the weekend. @Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @jb72
TheAromaofBooks Challenges: #Jennyis30 - Victorian @jenniferw88 || #LitsyAtoZ - V @bookishmarginalia || #WinterBookBingo - Book 100+ years old @honeybeegirl || #TurningPagesBingo and #ReadingBingo - Number in the title || #BookSpin - January's pick!! (edited) 5y
ljuliel I really like Jules Verne. I remember liking his books as a kid too. He was a very good storyteller. Look 👀 at you, whipping through those challenges. Good job 👍🏼 5y
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TheAromaofBooks @ljuliel - my dad is an engineer, and he loves Jules Verne so much. I grew up reading his books, but haven't revisited them in a long time. Hoping to read 20,000 Leagues and The Mysterious Island this year, too! 5y
ljuliel It‘s nice to revisit sone of those books you lived growing up.. brings back good memories. 5y
jb72 Great start! I have two of his books but haven‘t read them yet. 5y
Andrew65 It is a good book. You are going well. 👏👏👏 5y
TheAromaofBooks @jb72 - Verne is especially interesting when you consider him in the context of his time. Some of the scientific stuff he was writing about was basically sci-fi when he was writing it, but later became reality, so it can be fun reading. 5y
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So obviously I thought I would like this book, or I wouldn't have bought it. But I ended up genuinely loving this one. Atwood starts with a scientific look at color, terms, the color wheel, texture, etc. The rest of the book is rather on the touchy-feely side, but because she has set everything up so well, I didn't mind. Color IS very emotional and visceral, and Atwood very thoughtfully takes her readers through the spectrum of colors ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) exploring their history and usage, and encouraging her readers to reflect on their personal history and feelings with each color. The next section visits several homes owned by interior decorators, clothing designers, artists, and other people whose livelihood deals with color. I wasn't expecting to like this section as much, as none of the home styles really appealed to me, but again Atwood pulls practical information & tips that can ⬇ 5y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) be used even by someone who likes things quiet and boring like me. In the final section of the book, Atwood gives readers multiple steps to follow to really think about how to use color in our own homes, including making your own color wheel and color palettes, and exploring color and texture all around you. All in all, while touchy-feely, this book also had so much useful, interesting information that I ended up loving it. Recommended! 5y
TheAromaofBooks This is my #CoverCrush for #Booked2020 - I honestly bought this book because it appealed to me at a tactile level. The cover is a matte finish, the page edges are sprayed blue, the pages are glossy and beautiful - I love absolutely everything about the physical aspect of this book!! ❤ @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @barbarathebibliophage

Also my Nonfiction Book for #WinterBookBingo @Honeybeegirl and L for #LitsyAtoZ @bookishmarginalia
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TheAromaofBooks Purple on the Cover for #TurningPagesBingo and FINALLY found a title with No E for #BackwardsAtoZ!!! 5y
Cinfhen I was just gonna write how gorgeous this photo is 💟 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - thank you! The artwork I picked up an Meijer last year just because I couldn't resist it. We had just finished painting the room and I NEEDED this picture against my lavender wall!! 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I definitely think color changes everything. As I recline on my sofa in our sage green room with bright paintings on the walls ... 5y
TheAromaofBooks @BarbaraTheBibliophage - yes! It's just such a personal thing, and I loved the way this author encouraged everyone to embrace that, whether you love bright colors, or neutrals, or small pops of color or vibrant walls, or whatever. As someone who was a renter for years and not allowed to paint walls, changing to home ownership has been challenging and a little scary when it comes to painting and decorating. Slowly coming together now though! 🤗 5y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @TheAromaofBooks I hear you. We lived in our house for a long time before we painted the major spaces. 5y
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Cogheart | Peter Bunzl
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This was an engaging and fun read with plenty of adventure and action and likable main characters. There were times when the continuity of the world-building stuttered a little, but overall a fun pick.

This was another #NewYearWhoDis pick, so thanks for the recommendation @Cupcake12 & for the match @monalyisha !!

TheAromaofBooks This also checked off the Debut box for #JanuaryBookBingo and the Non-Human Characters box for #TurningPagesBingo! 5y
Cupcake12 Moon locket is next in the series 😉 5y
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After a lot of intense/emotional reading, I was ready for something a little fluffier. I've had this Nora Roberts series sitting around for a while - a quartet of books about a (fictional) royal family. Relaxing, gently entertaining, and nothing stressful - just what I was looking for! Not her best work, but still enjoyable. And who doesn't enjoy a good family tree?

Challenge prompts below ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks Letter A for #LitsyAtoZ @bookishmarginalia || Protagonist in Their 20's for #JanuaryBookBingo || Part of Series for #TurningPagesBingo || Royalty for #RomanceBingo 5y
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Beartown: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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This was the first Backman book I've read, and the writing was stellar. I still can't get over how he was able to portray so many different people and perspectives in a way that made each decision - even the horrible ones - at least somewhat understandable. This is a book that will stick with me for a long time. Not sure if I have the emotional stamina for book 2, though!!!

Challenge qualifications below. ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks As of bedtime last night, sitting at 24hrs15mins for #JumpStart2020 @Clwojick @LizPixie || #AuthoraMonth @Soubhiville || Sweden for #ReadingEurope2020 @LibraryBelle @BarbaraBB || Nordic square for #Jennyis30 @jenniferw88 || Millennial Author for #Booked2020 @cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @barbarathebibliophage (barely - born 1981!) || Hooked With the First Line for #JanuaryBookBingo || More Than 400pgs for #TurningPagesBingo 5y
Librarybelle Nice stacking of challenges! 5y
Cinfhen You‘ve been BUSY!!!! Well done 👍🏻 and I agree, this book is wonderful ( my favorite of all the ones I‘ve read by him😁) 5y
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ljuliel Wow, you are so organized ! Doing so many challenges and keeping track of where all you can use the book. Good for you. 👍🏼 5y
marleed If I were to name my favorite book with a pile of characters, this would be it - each was integral to the story. 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Librarybelle - thanks!! It's easy in January when there are so many blank spaces to fill! 😁 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - have you read the sequel? I'm conflicted about whether or not I want to, since this one left me feeling so emotionally devastated! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @ljuliel - I love organizing and tracking books almost as much as I enjoy actually reading them, so it's been fun to create a little journal where I write down all my challenges and keep track of them!! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @marleed - at first I was a little overwhelmed by the number of people being introduced, but he really did a good job keeping all the balls in the air once they were circling. A book over 400 pages long, and I didn't feel like a single word was wasted. 5y
Soubhiville Logged 📚 5y
Cinfhen I was disappointed by the sequel/ I felt like it was written strictly for pocket money & it wasn‘t necessary. But most readers loved it 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - The reason Beartown was originally on my TBR was because another friend had loved it so hard, but she had similar feelings to yours about the sequel, which is why I'm on the fence about reading it. I still have it from the library, so I may just give it a few days and see how I feel. 5y
Cinfhen If u have the library copy already there is no harm in starting it and seeing where it goes 🧡☺️ 5y
Andrew65 A great book, and I really enjoyed the sequel too. 5y
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The Blue Castle | L.M. Montgomery
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This is a book that I have loved too long to provide any kind of objective review! I love everything about Valancy's journey of self-discovery and romance. This book is both funny and thoughtful, and even though I have read it dozens of times, I still enjoy every page.

This year, my mom, sister, and I are rereading one of our favorites together every month, and this is our January book. Still love it so much. ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks When my grandparents went to Prince Edward Island back in 1999, they asked what I wanted them to bring back as a souvenir, and I asked for this book! I still haven't made it to PEI myself, but at least I have a little piece of it with me. (Although, funny story, this is one of Montgomery's few stories that does NOT take place on PEI!)

Challenge fulfillments listed below...
TheAromaofBooks First off, forgot to update my #JumpStart2020 time yesterday! As of last night I was at 19hrs 17mins, so still ahead of my overall goal for 34hrs. I've completed 8 of 15 books, so I am making progress there as well!! @Clwojick @LizPixie

The Blue Castle is filling in the Family square for #Jennyis30 (the numerous uncles, aunts, and cousins are what MAKE this book) @jenniferw88 - it is B for #LitsyAtoZ @bookishmarginalia - ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) and is Ontario for the #SeparatedbyaPondTour @Andrew65 - as well as a Book that Was a Gift for #WinterBookBingo @Honeybeegirl - Read With a Buddy for #JanuaryBookBingo & a Reread for #TurningPagesBingo !! 5y
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LinesUponAPage What a treasure!! Lucy Maude Montgomery is my favorite author! I haven‘t made it there either. It would be the trip made of dreams. So glad your grandparents could go and get this book for you. 😍 5y
Bookwormjillk That‘s so cool! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Lifeisasnap - Right?? I have always wanted to go, although I'm also a little scared to go because it's so perfect in my imagination! 😂 5y
TheAromaofBooks @bookwormjillk - I read an article in some “serious“ magazine the other day talking about how people shouldn't write in books because it “devalues“ them - it's literally what makes all of my books extra fun and precious to me. It's a huge family tradition for us all to write in the books we gift one another, and notes like this always make me feel so happy inside. ❤ 5y
Lizpixie That‘s a wonderful idea! I‘d love to do that but my hubby‘s not a reader, I don‘t talk to anyone from my side of the family anymore & our children are always too busy to read. That‘s why I love Litsy so much, it fulfils my inner extrovert bibliophile cravings.🗣📱 5y
LinesUponAPage @TheAromaofBooks no, i totally get that. I feel the same way. We were supposed to go about 10 years ago and a family emergency came up so we didn‘t. I was heartbroken and yet, weirdly relieved. I am sure it‘s built up commercially and home wise than what L.M. saw and presented to our souls. (edited) 5y
Clwojick I‘ve always wanted to visit PEI as well. 💕 5y
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Thanks, I‘ll have to remember her books. 5y
robinb I think it‘s so neat that you, your mom and your sister are doing a book club of rereads each month...how cool is that?! 👍👍👏👏👏 Reading time + Family time = Priceless 5y
TheAromaofBooks @robinb - it was my sister's idea!! We all read at completely different paces, so we aren't a great match for a more traditional buddy read, but since we're doing rereads of books we've all read lots of times, we can't accidentally spoiler anyone else!! We're also going to try to get together at the end of each month to do some refection/journaling, so I'm excited about that as well. 5y
robinb @TheAromaofBooks love this!!! 💕💕💕 Do you all live in the same city? I‘m about 4 hours from most of my family. 😩 (edited) 5y
TheAromaofBooks @robinb - we do live close. Until this fall, my sister was actually also my neighbor - just two doors down. Now she's 20mins away and I miss her so much!!! Four hours would be unbearable!! 5y
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