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Into the Wild | Jon Krakauer
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Some people argue Chris was a #stupidman for many reasons but to me he‘s an admirable man for living life the way he truly wanted to. #septemberdanes

Trashcanman I'd argue I'm the stupid man for just doing the things society expects instead of what I want to do. #youareright 6y
Kalalalatja Oh, I really want to read this! 6y
TheNeverendingTBR This!! 🧡 money, the working week, bills. The stresses and strains of everyday life in this system is enough to drive people like McCandless to find other ways of living out THEIR lives... I respect him. #greatpost and one of the most quoteable books I've read. 6y
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youneverarrived @Trashcanman sometimes it‘s what we have to do though. At least you realise there‘s more to life than the ‘everyday‘. Some people don‘t even realise they are just living according to what society says. 6y
youneverarrived @Kalalalatja it‘s so good! 6y
youneverarrived @trioxin_sematary respect is a good word. He‘s definitely worthy of it in my eyes. It takes guts to just go do your own thing like that. 💚 6y
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No Cunning Plan | Sir Tony Robinson
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#SeptemberDanes #day8 #StupidMan Tony Robinson made his career playing a stupid man in Blackadder. If you don‘t know what that is, I highly suggest finding it & watching at least the 2nd or 3rd season(which are the best in my opinion) As Baldrick, the dogsbody to Lord Edmund Blackadder(Rowan Atkinson),his “cunning plans” cause chaos & madness in the Tudor court of Elizabeth I. Post comedy, he‘s the host of Time Team, making archeology cool again.

Kalalalatja Great pick! 6y
KarenUK Love this pick! 💕 6y
jenniferw88 Love this! 6y
CarolynM No love for Blackadder Goes Forth? That's my favourite. 6y
Centique I love Baldrick and Blackadder - maybe Queenie the most! I have the whole lot on DVD. 6y
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Ashley is rather a #stupidman for not sorting out his feelings for Scarlett and Melanie earlier. And this is one of my #fivestarredbooks. #septemberdanes #readingresolutions

Reviewsbylola Totally agree! Ashley really annoyed me. 6y
Reviewsbylola And he and Scarlett would have been terrrrrrrrible together! 6y
Kalalalatja Still on my never ending tbr! 6y
Suet624 Agreed. 6y
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Macbeth | Shakespeare
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#SeptemberDanes #StupidMan

He should heed the witch‘s warning!
No man of women born
When Burnham Wood doth march towards Dunsinane

Kalalalatja Good pick! He really didn‘t use his brain much 🙄 6y
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The Code of the Woosters | P. G. Wodehouse
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Bertie Wooster is a bit of a #StupidMan (but I still love him so!)


Booksnchill That edition- love!!!! 6y
Lcsmcat That‘s a great cover! 6y
batsy Ha 😆 That cover is fabulous. 6y
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Kalalalatja That cover 😂😂 6y
Sarah83 Loving the cover 😉 6y
Aimeesue My very very favorite Wodehouse. The silver cow creamer! Roderick Spode! Glissiez Fink-Nottle, the newt fancier! Hahahahahahaha! Just thinking about it makes me giggle. 😂😂😂 6y
Melissa_J This is the only Jeeves book I‘ve read, but my goodness is it ever funny! I have several more sitting on a shelf and should make more of an effort to read them. 6y
Moray_Reads Bertie is the best. I must get these editions 😍 6y
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The Sense of an Ending | Julian Barnes
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DISCLAIMER: I really enjoyed this one and gave it a high rating because it's narratively flawless and has a shocking TWIST. However, UGH, I couldn't deal with the narrator. Maybe saying he's a #stupidman is too much, but he's definitely too whiny about his past and about women. Think straight (veeeeeery straight), white, 50+, male. STILL LOVED IT THOUGH. I don't think I sound very convincing 😂

#SeptemberDanes @Kalalalatja @Cinfhen

Kalalalatja Hahaha you do send some mixed signals 😂😂 6y
Cinfhen Another book I‘ve been meaning to read & I think you sold it!!! At least to me...😘 6y
ephemeralwaltz @Kalalalatja 😘😘 @Cinfhen Yay!! It's really good in my opinion. 6y
Cinfhen Can we PLEASE DISCUSS the ending!!!!! I just read this and I‘m sooooo confused 🤷🏼‍♀️ (edited) 6y
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William Rackham sure thinks highly of himself and Sugar, his favorite London prostitute, is an expert at playing along and never letting on that she believes him to be a #stupidman. These two might have my all time favorite unconventional relationship... masterfully written!!

Cinfhen I‘ve been meaning to read this book forever ~ thanks for the reminder ❣️ 6y
Kalalalatja Peeeeerfect pick 🙌🙌 6y
MrsMalaprop Great book & pick for the prompt 👍. 6y
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Reviewsbylola This is one of those books that doesn‘t get the attention it deserves imo! 6y
Mdargusch Would I like this? 6y
emilyhaldi Not sure @Mdargusch there's a lot of sex... @Reviewsbylola what do u think? 6y
Reviewsbylola It‘s loooooooong too. @Mdargusch But it‘s really good! 6y
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Man's Search for Meaning | Viktor E Frankl
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#SeptemberDanes Wow! This slim book packs a heavy punch💔”Since Auschwitz we know what man is capable of. And since Hiroshima we know what is at stake.” This book reminds us for every #stupidman there is also the brilliance of man to act with compassion, dignity and kindness. In every situation one ALWAYS holds the power of how they will react/respond.

ephemeralwaltz Lovely take on the prompt! 6y
Cathythoughts Amazing book ... 💫💫💫 6y
Suet624 💕💕 6y
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Kalalalatja Great idea for today 👏 6y
Centique And wow those flowers!! 😍 6y
DivineDiana Agree with @Centique ! Gorgeous! 6y
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Cinfhen Hahahaha 6y
Cinfhen He‘s more like a “man-child” 6y
MirrorMask @Cinfhen True 😂😂😂 6y
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Kalalalatja Yeah I‘m not sure I would categorize him as a man yet 😂😂😂😂 6y
sprainedbrain 😂😂😂 6y
ravenlee 👍😂😂😂 6y
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