My favorite book as a child becoming a movie? #abouttime #signmeup 😭
My favorite book as a child becoming a movie? #abouttime #signmeup 😭
I cannot tell you how much I loved Duran Duran in the 80s! I still do, and I learned things both about the band as a whole and the individual members that I didn‘t already know. It‘s a well done documentation of their ups and downs. If you‘re a fan, I‘d recommend it! Of course, it made me want to cue up their Spotify playlist! 😃🎶
#bookspinbingo - got a bingo! 🥳
#booked2022 - title repeats itself
#pop22 - about a band or musical group
@Jas16 #signmeup Congrats on your 100k litfluence!!
Of course, I would have to pick RR! 🌈 I WISH I could have gone to her signing at ComicCon! Alas, San Diego is very far.
I love this book. I love everything about Cather & Levi. And Reagan. And Wren. I cried again at the end because I‘m ridiculous and a hopeless romantic under my tough exterior. Sigh. I enjoyed Carry On & am looking forward to Wayward Son. But Fangirl will always be my fav!
@Jas16 is having a giveaway to celebrate a Litfluence milestone! Congratulations! 🎊🎉🎈
I would love to go to a signing with Jacqueline Carey! I own a couple of her signed books, but only because I ordered them that way. I would love to meet her and tell her how much I love her work!
@jas16 is having a giveaway because of reaching 100,000 litfluence. If I had to choose one author to meet for a signing, it would definitely be J.K. Rowling because she completely changed my reading life. After my grandparents got me started on Harry Potter, I became an avid reader and have been to this day. To have her sign a complete set of HP books would be so amazing. #signmeup
The lovely @Jas16 is celebrating her 100,000 Litfluence by having a giveaway! The author whose signing I would most love to go to has to be George R R Martins. To have a stack of Signed Special Editions of A Song Of Ice And Fire would be so perfect. I‘d clear a shelf in my library & fill it with GOT swag & books &..... sorry got a bit carried away. Check out her original post for details on how to enter🙌 #signmeup
To celebrate my Litfluence hitting 100,000 I am giving away this stack of signed books. To enter please create a post about what living author‘s book signing you would most like to attend tagging me and using #signmeup. Winner will be drawn on Sunday, July 28th. Open internationally.
What as it like to be the person that chose books readers would fall in love with, buy for their mothers and remember forever after, the way you never forget a delicious meal? #isthisajobdescription?