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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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MONDAY GOALS (no pupper but I‘ll make due with all the fur left over from dog sitting Dimples 🐶)📚☕️

#read #rest #recharge #repeat

AmyG Sounds wonderful! 5y
night_shift Sounds great! I'm jealous! 5y
PickingBooks So true! I love people but I also need to recharge on my own. 5y
DGRachel This was totally me yesterday. Usually Bailey hangs out in the living room during the day, but yesterday she curled up on my bed while I read during the afternoon. ❤️ 5y
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“It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds...[but] a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero...”

#TimbitTunes | 13: #LonelyLonely

📷: Made with Typorama

Cinfhen And that is why I haven‘t finished this book 😜I‘ve picked it up several times and after a few pages I always place it in #hibernation 🐻 6y
CarolynM 😂😂😂 6y
LiterRohde @Cinfhen @CarolynM Wow. I must be slow today. I‘ve been trying to figure out the joke all morning and I just don‘t get it. 6y
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Cinfhen That passage is so convoluted that it makes my head spin! There are certain books that I really want to read but I can‘t seem to get pass page 5 so instead of actually bailing, I keep them in hibernation( like a bear) hoping to one day thaw them out and try again @CarolynM knows that I OWN many books that are currently in #hibernation😉Does that help @LiterRohde !???! 6y
LiterRohde @Cinfhen Thank you! I just wanted to be part of the “in” crowd and for the life of me, it went right over my head this time. Thanks for the help. And as a side note, in my sick brain, the convolution is what makes this book so funny. It‘s like some of the passages from A Series of Unfortunate Events. They make my head spin! See my post for #QuotsyJune18 | 3: #Repeat ! 6y
bookishbitch I love these books and are some of the few I re-read. 6y
sixgun This also one of my few re-reads. I don't care for the recent film, I'm an old school BBC gal. But nothing compares to the actual Adam's books. Likely the funniest book I've ever read! 6y
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This bears a #repeat or two or three or forever. Don‘t stop learning.

#Quotsy #QuotsyJune18 #LitsyQuoteChallenge

wanderinglynn 👍🏻 Reminds me of the Michaelangelo quote that he allegedly said at age 87: “I am still learning.” 6y
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Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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#QuotsyJune18 #repeat
"I am not now to learn," replied Mr. Collins with a formal wave of the hand, "that it is usual with young ladies to reject the addresses of the man whom they secretly mean to accept, when he first applies for their favour; and that sometimes the refusal is REPEATED a second, or even a third time. I am therefore by no means discouraged by what you have just said, and shall hope to lead you to the alter ere long."

GlassAsDiamonds Oh Mr Collins. Usually the character I‘d most like the slap... 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 6y
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Numbers: | Rachel Ward
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Bless goodreads and their quotes collection (although, some filter options would be nice so I don‘t have to scroll through pages for books I‘ve read). #quotsyjune18 #repeat

Rabbit, Run | John Updike
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God Emperor of Dune | Frank Herbert
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“Why is it that foolishness repeats itself with such monotonous precision?” #Repeat #QuotsyJune18

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From Book 11, ‘The Grim Grotto‘.

“The water cycle consists of evaporation, precipitation, and collection - which are the three phenomena that make up what is known as ‘the water cycle‘. Evaporation, the first of these phenomena, is the process of water turning into vapor and eventually forming clouds, such as those found in cloudy skies, or on cloudy days, or even cloudy nights.”

(Read the comments for punchline...)

#QuotsyJune18 | 3: #Repeat

LiterRohde “These clouds are formed by a phenomenon known as ‘evaporation,‘ which is the first of three phenomena that make up the water cycle. Evaporation, the first of these three, is simply a term for a process by which water turns into vapor and eventually forms clouds. Clouds can be recognized by their appearance, usually on cloudy days or nights, when they can be seen in cloudy skies.” 6y
LiterRohde “The name for the process by which clouds are formed - by water, which turns into vapor and becomes part of the formation known as ‘clouds‘ - is ‘evaporation‘, the first phenomenon in the three phenomena that make up the cycle of water, otherwise known as ‘the water cycle‘, and surely you must be asleep by now and so can be spared the horrifying details of the Baudelaires' journey.”

📷: Made with Typorama
(edited) 6y
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All I Want | Jill Shalvis

“‘Not interested. You‘re not interested, you don‘t have time to be interested. . .‘

And maybe as long as he kept repeating that to himself, it might actually have a chance at being true.”

#QuotsyJune18 Day3 #Repeat

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overtheedge I really enjoyed this one!! 6y
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