Took me eight years to finish this series 👏👏👏
I'm not upset about how the love square got resolved, and tbh I'm not really sure why other people would be. I think the final fight was a little rushed, though.
Took me eight years to finish this series 👏👏👏
I'm not upset about how the love square got resolved, and tbh I'm not really sure why other people would be. I think the final fight was a little rushed, though.
Pretty solid sequel! I do think Mal and Alina would have less issues if they actually COMMUNICATED, but I mean, what do I know? Also, I've heard that people really don't like who Alina ends up with in the next book, and I'm very curious.
(I tried to be artsy when I took the photo 😂)
Getting back into reading after a veeeeeery long slump. This is my third time reading this book, but I'm determined to finish the series!
This is my first time reading a Native-American fantasy novel and I loved it! I appreciate that the romance wasn't a large part of the story (Ahem, Warcross) and that it kinda just happened (sort of?) while they were doing other things. I'm a little upset at myself that I read this months before the sequel comes out, but I'm excited! I'd also like to try reading fantasies about/from other cultures too.
(You might be wondering why I'm posting this now and not last week. Listen, I don't have Prime, ok? 😭😭😭 And I ordered around Christmas time sooo I just got the last half of this today)
Finished "Hunger" and "Warcross"! I'll be sending them to @jillannjohn by Monday! "Hunger" was a reread, and it was cool (not amazing, but an interesting concept). I have mixed feelings about Warcross. I was totally into the plot and all, BUT I wanted to strangle the main character for being an idiot. Also, there are twists that you see coming from miles away. #categoryswitch #genreswap @kitkatdallibooks @abbsinwonderland @collegecatlady
I know I'm months late (really sorry about that!) but I just finished "The Girl on the Train"! Will be sending it off to @jillannjohn on Monday! It was a great read, and I'm totally down to trying out more thriller books (is this a thriller? Not sure) @collegecatlady #categoryswitch #genreswap @kitkatdallibooks @abbsinwonderland
Sent Shadow and Bone to @jillannjohn ! Should get there in two days. It was a pretty quick read, but I feel like the second book in the series has a lot more action going on in it (Can‘t remember, it‘s been years since I‘ve read it). #categoryswitch #genreswap
Just mailed Pride and Prejudice and Zombies to Jill! @collegecatlady I can‘t seem to be able to tag her, though. Also got “Shadow and Bone” and “The Girl on the Train”! No one‘s really showing up when I try to tag people, actually. The bookmarks and post-its are lovely!! I‘m a little embarrassed for not including any goodies myself 😬 Next time, though!
Moving onto poets! #quotsyjune18 #early
Bless goodreads and their quotes collection (although, some filter options would be nice so I don‘t have to scroll through pages for books I‘ve read). #quotsyjune18 #repeat
So I don‘t have a beach towel, so I‘m making do here. 😆 This book is a bit on the sad and angsty side of things from what I remember, but there‘s a road trip so I think it‘d work as a beach read. (I don‘t know, I don‘t read at beaches and I‘ve only been in the winter) #ReadingResolutions #BookAndBeachTowel
One legit shelf, two crates, and three cardboard boxes for #ShelfieSaturday. #ReadingResolutions
I‘m trying to only use quotes from books I‘ve read for #quotsyjune18, but we‘ll see how long I can stick to that. 😁 If anyone has any tips on how to make quote images look less amateurish, that‘d be great! #junk
At first, I was going to look for a quote about Harry‘s Voldemort visions, but I remembered Trelawney and Divination. 😂😂 #vision #quotsyjune18
My #JuneTBR contains quite a few rereads, but to be fair, it‘s been over a decade since I last read them (Oh gosh, I feel old). @Jess7 #ReadingResolutions
I‘ve wanted to read this series since I was about 9 years old (but my library didn‘t carry it). Now at 22, I think I‘m a little too old for it but I‘ll carry on with it, just because I‘d wanted to read it so much. I probably would have liked it better when I was younger, but it‘s entertaining enough, I suppose.
I might have liked it better if there was an actual plot. It was amusing at the beginning, but there is only so much you can read of fictional Hitler‘s mad ravings (I gave up at 102 pages) before you just get bored.
I couldn‘t resist. XD (Also trying to get the hang of these photo editing options)
This might be a bit of a cliched joke for a book making fun of Hitler, but I still thought it was funny (Sue me and my unsophisticated humor).