Late one evening Dev opens his door to find out that the Ferdias‘ brothers has kidnapped a young boy. They wish to stay at Dev‘s because of his remote location. The young boy‘s older brother owns the brothers money and they want them back.
We follow Dev, the young brother Doll and his girlfriend and mother, and his brother Cillian, and learn how they handle it and are willing to do.
A beautiful book of thirty daily short readings to help you reflect, re-examine and possibly rebuild close relationships in your life. Contemplative with a tie to Christian faith, this had nuggets of wisdom sprinkled throughout l. Thought provoking and helped you look at yourself and own actions in relationshop. Well done!
Breakups can make anyone go a little crazy but that doesn‘t mean I want to spend a lot of time reading about the mindset of a wallowing and completely unself-aware man trying to figure out his life after the unexpected end of his relationship. Hearing the other side of the story was clever but too little, too late to make this a pick.
Read in 2024. For most of the story you hear Andy talk about his break up with Jen. At first I felt bad for Andy as he tells his side of the story. He‘s struggling with his career of being a stand up comedian & he‘s having a hard time understanding why Jenn broke up with him. Then the very last part of the book you hear Jenn‘s side of the story. It made me understand more about why you heard so much about Andy‘s story. To me it spoke to the bigger
Only on chapter 3, hoping it hooks me soon
This one was on a few Best of '24 lists, but I'm left a bit underwhelmed. It was alright, but nothing stand out, and ultimately I suspect forgettable. I like the idea of reading about the aftermath of a relationship from one perspective, then flipping to the other side, but the balance here was out of whack. I would have preferred more of Jen, less of Andy. While I liked where Andy ended up, it took a lot of pages of just not much to get there.
This one took me a bit to get into, but it did start to pick up mid way through. Alderton has a nice blend of introspection and humor in her writing that makes her characters feel real.
Soft pick. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Yeah, I don‘t. Not anymore!
Clem is a brilliant Australian journalist, feminist and activist. I learn so much from her books and they are very amusing as well.
But the sad reality is that the people who should read these books and gain a new perspective of things never are the ones who do.