Book 3 of the #RavenmasterTrilogy is out in paperback on July 12 (UK). I am very proud of this one, hope you guys like it 🤓
Book 3 of the #RavenmasterTrilogy is out in paperback on July 12 (UK). I am very proud of this one, hope you guys like it 🤓
My historical fiction series #RavenmasterTrilogy was inspired by my grandparents - (left to right) my Grammy served in the Canadian Air Force, Grampy worked at the shipyard; Nana lived in London through the Blitz, Grandad landed at D-Day in a Sherman tank. (All of this appears, in one way or another, in the novels.)
#inspiration #WW2
Working with the #TowerofLondon again this year to help improve literacy and encourage creative writing among young people. 📚❤️
#RavenmasterTrilogy #historicalfiction
CAN/ US friends - #aKingdomFalls is out today! Hope you enjoy it! 🙏
#RavenmasterTrilogy #historicalfiction #YA
I've always been fascinated by corvids. When I set out to write my first novel, These Dark Wings, I knew I wanted to write historical fiction, but it was the ravens that brought me to the Tower...
Just a holiday FYI that my first novel #TheseDarkWings (ebook) is currently on sale for $0.99 at Kobo US... (sorry for the plug 😳)
#RavenmasterTrilogy #historicalfiction #YA
Holiday discounts on my first two novels, These Dark Wings and What the Raven Brings at the Tower of London gift shop...
#RavenmasterTrilogy #Ravens #HistoricalFiction #YA
Exciting post today - advance copies of book 3! In the final book of the #RavenmasterTrilogy, there is no defence against Hitler's secret weapon, the V2 rocket. So Anna and her fellow pilots decide there is only one option: attack.
The novel is published on 30 Nov (UK) #aKingdomFalls! #YA #HistoricalFiction #HeadofZeus
Finally finished the edit of #aKingdomFalls - (Book 3 of the #RavenmasterTrilogy) which is out Nov 30th (UK).
Now I can enjoy some autumnal days on the Heath, before it starts all over again with a new series... (details soon 🤐)
#TheseDarkWings #WhattheRavenBrings #Ravenmaster #author #histfic #YA #trilogy #amwriting