My May pick for #12Booksin2024. This was such a great look at the Tower of London Ravens and their care.
My May pick for #12Booksin2024. This was such a great look at the Tower of London Ravens and their care.
As we read, we can think about how she never gave up, even when it seemed impossible. Afterward, we‘ll share challenges we‘ve faced and how we overcame them.
This is a dark tale where a wish transforms a joyful moment of birth into tragedy. When seven brothers fail to return quickly enough with water for their baby sister's baptism, they are cursed and transformed into ravens. All hope seems lost for reversing the curse until the brave little sister embarks on a journey to find a way to save her brothers and restore them to their human form.
Today, we'll explore The Seven Ravens by the Brothers Grimm, where a brave girl goes on a journey to save her brothers who were turned into ravens. As we read, think about how she never gave up, even when it seemed impossible. Afterward, we‘ll share the challenges we‘ve faced and how we overcame them. Then, you‘ll draw or write about a time when you didn‘t give up, teaching us about perseverance and helping others!
The Seven Ravens by the Brothers Grimm (1981) is a dark tale where a wish transforms a joyful moment of birth into tragedy. When seven brothers fail to return quickly enough with water for their baby sister's baptism, they are cursed and transformed into ravens. All hope seems lost for reversing the curse until the brave little sister embarks on a journey to find a way to save her brothers and restore them to their human form.
This was a great listen. Skaife takes us through his life with the ravens at the Tower of London. You can tell how much he cares for and admires the birds. I learned quite a bit about not just the history of the ravens but of ravens as a species.
This was my April #doublespin
Let's get the uncomfortable truths out of the way. This man had a military career including being a British soldier in Northern Ireland in the 1980s. While his love and care for the ravens is clear, they are captive to the tower as a direct result of his actions: trimmed flight feathers being a part of the 'tradition'. These are realities I can't personally support.