The excellent Penn Cage Series by GregIles which incorporates the #NatchezBurning Trilogy. If you have not read it I can‘t recommend it highly enough. The series starts with the tagged book.
The excellent Penn Cage Series by GregIles which incorporates the #NatchezBurning Trilogy. If you have not read it I can‘t recommend it highly enough. The series starts with the tagged book.
So far, this book has me all KINDS OF HOOKED! I'm approaching the halfway mark and wow, it's good.
And yes, I'm in bed by 8pm reading with a nice big glass of wine 🍷#momlife #natchezburning
I am not to be trusted in any used bookstore. 📚 Thinking of starting with Natchez Burning. #bookhaul #secondhandbooks #natchezburning
Holy crap, I just met Greg Iles, and he's awesome! He has been my favourite "adult" fiction author since I was about 13, and I've never gotten a chance to see him speak until now (some 20 odd years later)! His books are what absolutely turned me into the insane bookworm I am today. Today I was able to have him sign my very first paperback of his, which also happens to be my all-time favourite book, Black Cross. It's old & tatty, but I ? it!
Got a Greg Iles fest going on here.
I'd got the two Mississippi Bloods on order as soon as I was able. Then got hold of an advanced reader copy - which was the version I read. I'd already got the The Bone Tree US hardback, because it looks just fantastic. I then though I'd better get hold of a Natchez Burning US hardback, as I'd read the UK paperback originally. And it's signed! Result.
#gregiles #natchezburning #thebonetree #mississippiblood