Halfway through another week, and starting a new read. It's hard to believe we're almost halfway through August already. #nslittens #summerreading
Halfway through another week, and starting a new read. It's hard to believe we're almost halfway through August already. #nslittens #summerreading
We hit up the beach this morning, before the crowds or the heat of the day. I got a little reading done on my phone while the boys made sand castles. This beach is one of my favorite places in the whole province. #happyplace #nslittens
This is what happens when I try to sit down and read for a few minutes. #PileOn #WhatchaReadingMom
Happy Thanksgiving to all the 🇨🇦 littens, from me and my little 🦃s! #NSLittens #CanadianLittens
The weather has been gorgeous today! Enjoying some quiet time now that the baby has gone to bed. Just reading the last bit of my book while my older boy and my nieces play before they go to bed. #nslittens #sunsetreading
Starting a new book while I wait at the airport. I'm flying to Ontario to get my nieces, and we are road tripping back here so they can visit for a few weeks. I'm super excited, and slightly sad about leaving my boys for a few days. I have a 2 hour flight ahead of me, perfect for lots of reading! #airportreads #nslittens #momcation
Got a new hold in! Temporarily putting aside my other hard copy read to read this one so I can return it asap.
#LoveMyLibrary #nslittens
We had a super busy day today, and now I'm aching. Still on the mend from a fall a week ago. So, now that the boys are in bed, I'm going to get cozy and start a new book from the library. River is snoring very loudly. #BeaglesOfLitsy #SaturdayNightReading #NSLittens
It's a #snowday here today. We're staying in where it's safe and warm. Hoping to have lots of reading time today! #NSLittens #StormReads
Evening reading with my girl snoring in the background. #WildSaturdayNight #BeaglesOfLitsy #nslittens
Louise Penny is coming to Halifax! 🙌🏼💃 I've never had a chance to hear a favorite author speak. The authors I enjoy almost never come out this way. I hope everything works out so I can go. 🤞🏼🤞🏼
#nslittens #interviewandsigning