Well, is it?!
#lainitaylor #museofnightmares
?"Why should ?? have to disappear just because men are animals?"
#lainitaylor #museofnightmares
I've seen maps but never this, whatever this is.
#lainitaylor #museofnightmares
Excellent conclusion to this duology. Laini Taylor's writing is always beautiful, her world building is epic, and her characters are rich and nuanced. I LOVED this: I admit that I was afraid that it wouldn't live up to Strange the Dreamer, but I should know at this point NOT to question Taylor's ability to elevate each book higher than the last. Gorgeous YA fantasy novel.
Two for the weekend. 😍📚
Top: one of the year‘s (MY year‘s, to be exact) most awaited book sequels from one of my favorite authors 💙💙💙💙
Bottom: one my favorite reads for the year (which I have since been telling anyone who can read to read) 😅😍🤓
But I‘m also reading two more other books on the side. 😅
#bookpolygamist #bookgeekery #museofnightmares #thekissquotient
Getting a little bit of reading in with my coffee before I head to work this morning💜 #CurrentlyReading #MuseOfNightmares #LainiTaylor #Lazlo #Sarai
"And that's how you go on. You lay laughter over the dark parts. The more dark parts, the more you have to laugh. With defiance, with abandon, with hysteria, any way you can."
#lainitaylor #strangethedreamer #lazlostrange #museofnightmares