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American War | Omar El Akkad
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My kids play pretty well by themselves so I've been trying to get in some reading while supervising. Well, my youngest will not have it. When she sees me reading, she immediately picks a book, runs to me, and demands I read to her. There are worse problems, right? 😅 The @EclecticReaders book is going to have to wait #BookwormsInTraining #MommyBookwormProblems #RaisingReaders #EclecticReaders

Chelsey Maybe Google glasses aren't such a bad idea after all 6y
DebbieGrillo This is the best kind of problem to Have! #raisingreaders 6y
Johanna414 Lol my 2 year old does the same thing! He‘ll close my book and say, “the end” and then hand me one of his. You can‘t argue with that logic! 6y
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Ruri_kaichou @Chelsey good point! 🤓 6y
Ruri_kaichou @Johanna414 nope. and their cute faces. It's so hard to resist. 6y
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Let's see how much reading I can get in while the kids are watching Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas. Bets anyone? 😁 #MommyBookwormProblems Update: it took 2 pages.

TheWordJar 😂 That‘s longer than I would have bet! I would‘ve given my kids two paragraphs! 6y
Ruri_kaichou @TheWordJar I was a little surprised too. 🤣 I think it helped that they were eating a snack too. 6y
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I'm at my daughter's gymnastics class. As you can clearly see I am the only parent not observing 😬😳😌 However, her class just started so all they're doing is warming up. I'll take a peek when it's more interesting 🤓📑📑 #MommyBookwormProblems

Where I Live: Selected Essays | Tennessee Williams
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1) We live in a terraced house - not much to see here. 🙂
2) three years
3) pancakes and maple syrup
4) in the evening when the kid is sleeping
5) not at the moment

Cinfhen Pancakes 🥞 😋 7y
Jinjer Not much to see here???? 😳I love the style of that cute house!!! Don't see many brick homes in L.A., because, earthquakes. 😆 7y
howjessicareads No 4 - ditto!! 🙂 7y
scripturient @jess.how 🙌🏻 #mommybookwormproblems 😁 @Jinjer Thank you! 😊 @Cinfhen Right? The best. 😋😁 7y
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Long story short, I'm basically sharing a hotel room with my daughters (1&3). It's bed time so it means absolute quiet. Husband went to hang out with his brother so I am taking advantage and spending the rest of my night reading. #MommyBookwormProblems #SilverLining

tpixie Remember those hotel days with little ones!! 7y
Ruri_kaichou @tpixie 😁😁 not the most comfortable but we all survived 7y
tpixie @Ruri_kaichou yay!! Fun memories! 7y
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Good as Gone | Amy Gentry
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Currently 😃 I wish I could of joined the #24in48 but with two toddlers running around that's close to impossible 😫

Suzze You need to start a #24minutesin48hours 😜😜😜 7y
azulaco I'm in the same boat. Preschooler + a toddler means I sometimes read only one sentence before I'm interrupted! @Suzze #24minutesin48hours is about right! 7y
CoffeeBooksRepeat @Suzze OMG!! I love it! Hahahaha 😂 7y
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Haweller So true. But before you know it reading (grown up books) will be part of your day and you will be looking back on these days wistfully. 7y
Ruri_kaichou I still signed up even though I'm no where close to what the serious players are 😅 we'll get there one day. @suzze love the hashtag! #MommyBookwormProblems 7y
Suzze @Ruri_kaichou @azulaco, @GeraldineReads I remember those days well. My boys were 15 months apart. 7y
CoffeeBooksRepeat @Haweller lol a part of me can't wait and the other part will miss these days 🙂 7y
CoffeeBooksRepeat @Suzze my toddlers are 15 months apart also. I did not realize how intense that age gap would be! 7y
Suzze @GeraldineReads It gets better. After they turn 18. 😙😙 7y
Ruri_kaichou @GeraldineReads @Suzze you guys are amazing. Mine are just over 2 years apart and I feel like I'm only just hanging in there. #Respect 7y
CoffeeBooksRepeat @Suzze can't wait! 18 can't come soon enough lol 7y
CoffeeBooksRepeat @Ruri_kaichou you're amazing! 15 months or 2 years, having small children is rough, regardless. 🙃 7y
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Llama Llama Red Pajama | Anna Dewdney
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so I'm sick again. 😷 This time shared by my baby. I'm sort of better so I'm finally wrapping the kids' gifts. These are the books they'll be getting in a few days. 😊 With a cup of honey and lemon oil tea, I'll be wrapping away tonight. #BookwormsInTraining #MommyBookwormProblems #BookGifts

Bookworm83 Feel better!! 7y
BookishMarginalia Hug 💜 7y
RealLifeReading Cute books!! 7y
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DebinHawaii Hope you feel better soon. ❤️ 7y
BillBlume Oh bummer! Hope you all feel better soon. 7y
LauraBeth Hope you're feeling better today 💕 7y
Ruri_kaichou @bookworm83 @BookishMarginalia @DebinHawaii @BillBlume @LauraBeth Thank you! I am feeling better today. I can smell and taste food again and I don't feel like I'm swallowing my tongue. Just in time for Christmas! 💕💕💕 7y
Ruri_kaichou @RealLifeReading Thanks! I can't wait for them to open these. Especially my toddler. A few of her books are interactive so I can't wait to see if she will really like them. 7y
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Saga Volume 1 | Brian K Vaughan
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I haven't borrowed more than one book from the library in years since my babies take up a lot of time. But I put these on hold and, of course, they came in together. #BlameItOnLitsy #GraphicNovels #MommyBookwormProblems

The Secret Loves of Geek Girls | Margaret Atwood, Mariko Tamaki, Marguerite Bennett, Marjorie M Liu
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so, it's been a very long time since I was able to leisurely visit a bookstore. I had about an hour and I end up buying all this. It's been so long!!! #BookHaul #MommyBookwormProblems

readingjedi The cover of The Snow Queen is gorgeous! 8y
Ruri_kaichou @readingjedi That's what immediately caught my attention! So pretty. And then I saw it's an anthology of winter themed stories and fairy tales which really clinched it for me. 8y
Merethebookgal Very nice! 8y
Ruri_kaichou @Merethebookgal I thought so. 😊 Of course the girls made out with a better haul than me 8y
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