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"According to one study, 69.4 percent of the asexual participants report having their identity challenged, and the vast majority of those challenges came in the form of infantilization, with phrases like 'you are a late bloomer' or 'you just haven't met the right person.' The denial of self-governance... is informed by the perceived adult superiority and the dehumanization of children already present and normalized in our society."

TieDyeDude "Compulsory heterosexuality works to frame heterosexual sex as a necessary fixture of adulthood. Infantilized asexuals are provided endless assurance that the 'right person' will come along to pluck us from our lonely, immature existence." 3d
Jari-chan True... 3d
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Finished this just in time for my local queer book club meeting tonight. I teetered back and forth between pick and so-so. Positives: I thought this was extremely creative in concept, and had a great plot twist, and some really chilling gore. Negatives: the pace dragged sometimes, some tone issues, and some really chilling gore 😂. Overall, I don‘t think this was entirely my cup of tea. Nonetheless, I‘m curious to follow the author‘s work.

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This is the October buddy read for #QueerBC

It won by quite a lot! i think next time I might need to arrange heats or have less books suggested

This is not a book I've heard of, looks like it was published this year but it sounds super interesting!

psalva Oh cool! I‘m just finishing this up today for my local queer book club. I would love to follow and see what others think. Would you mind adding me to the tag? 5d
PuddleJumper @psalva Sure thing 5d
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BookmarkTavern My sister read this a little while ago and loved it! 5d
Jari-chan I've never even heard about this book - now I'm curious 😅 5d
PuddleJumper @BookmarkTavern Oo that's positive! 5d
PuddleJumper @Jari-chan Same. My library is ordering this so I might not get it for October. I'll keep it on my TBR 5d
CaseyTheCanadianLesbrarian 7 weeks hold for the audiobook at my library, so I might get it by the end of October! 5d
peanutnine I don't know if hoopla is the same across libraries, but the audiobook is available through hoopla for me. I'm intrigued by this one - it seems like a mix of horror/romance? Could be interesting 4d
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We Could Be So Good | Cat Sebastian
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Didn‘t even try to pose him or get him to look at me.

Starting this now as the Chiefs try to win a 🏈 game and I think about some updates to my resume.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 5d
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The Black Flamingo | Dean Atta
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Repost for @PuddleJumper

October's author pick for #QueerBC is Dean Atta!

See original post at https://www.litsy.com/web/post/2776655

Rainbow Black: A Novel | Maggie Thrash
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I‘m surprised there‘s not more reviews for this book! It‘s 400 pages but I finished it in just a few days worth of reading time. Filled with dark humor that had me laughing out loud, I loved the characters Maggie Thrash wrote. Also the setting of the satanic panic? Say less

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The Romance Recipe | Ruby Barrett
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It was ok but I just wasn‘t that into it. I ended up skimming the last quarter of it tbh

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This was recommended to me by a colleague and though I do enjoy weird books from time to time, I just couldn‘t get into this one. It was like Beauty and the beast but the beast was a worm like monster disguised as a human who falls in love with a human whose awful family is hunting the monster. It just wasn‘t for me.

Cortg @dabbe So true! 😂 2w
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