Not your typical WWII history book, Jones wrote on the life of Ben Kuroki. Ben grew up in Nebraska, a Nissi, and joined the Army Air Forces. He fought his way to become the only Japanese American gunner to fly 58 missions in Europe and the Pacific.
A captivating book about someone who did all he could to show his patriotism. Kuroki never had a problem growing up in Hershey, Nebraska, until Pearl Harbor. I could tell while reading this ⬇️
If you enjoy reading WWII history, I recommend 'Most Honorable Son' to you. I think you would enjoy it.
Published July 23, 2024
I won this book through a Goodreads Giveaway. Thanks to Goodreads, Kensington, and Jones for the book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
🙂Happy Reading 🙂
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