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I've just started a bookstagram! I've found some Litsy faves with their own account already but would love to connect on that platform, too. (This photo of me is unrelated, ha.) You can find me at http://instagram.com/shelfdevoted

RaimeyGallant Added you! I have the same username over there, and I'm pretty much a newbie, too. 6y
RaimeyGallant And check this hashtag here: #instagramfollowback 6y
shelf-devoted Great! Thanks, @RaimeyGallant 6y
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While I'm just starting to follow Litsy friends on #instagram ➡️ aloemantis is indeed the tag I use there. Also going by Twitter, I've been AloeMantis since 2010, and also use AlobelThee since 2013. 🦋💀 My beaded dragonflies are often on my Instagram. 📚

SkeletonKey I‘ll add ya 🖤 6y
britt_brooke Just followed you. ✅ I‘m fortuna.spinning on IG. I just started my bookstagram account in August. 6y
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Dan_SpiderCrafts @SkeletonKey Thanks 🖤 I'm loving your Inktober arts! 6y
Dan_SpiderCrafts @britt_brooke Glad to add you there on bookstagram 🤗📚 6y
GripLitGrl Followed👍💛 6y
Lel2403 Following 6y
Bklover Followed! 6y
Quirkybookworm Question...I have Instagram but I only want to do as bookstagram. How do I go about that? 6y
Dan_SpiderCrafts @Quirkybookworm The best way on Instagram could be using the hashtag #bookstagram and finding more book fans though there. It can come naturally for us, posting most often about books. ☺️📚 6y
Quirkybookworm Okay . I‘ll get my account started again after I sleep. Just got off 11 hrs shift 10 min ago and I‘m wiped. Thanks for taking the time to explain!😊 6y
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Instagram | Joanne Mattern
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I just started on Bookstagram/Instagram last week (@raimeygallant), and I'm finally getting the hang of it. :) Pretty please give me all your handles so I can follow you! If you want to find this post again, so you find other bookstagrammers, search this hashtag: #instagramfollowback

#bookstagram #instagram

Purrsistently Www.instagram.com/purrsistently 6y
DefLeppard @RaimeyGallant just looked you up and started following. I have been doing this for a little while, just totally all book pics. 😊 6y
RavenLovelyReads RavenLovelyPlansandReads (edited) 6y
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RinaBrahmbhattBarot MyBookSwapClub 6y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot If you've just started last week, Raimey- you've done pretty good job :) 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I've followed you 6y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot @RavenLovelyReads I've followed you too 6y
RaimeyGallant @MyBookSwapClub Why thank you. *blushes* 6y
RaimeyGallant @DefLeppard Yea for book pics! 6y
LauraBeth I‘m southernstory on IG and one of these days, I‘m really gonna start posting on bookstagram 😀 6y
RaimeyGallant @LauraBeth Yea! I found Laura! 6y
JacqMac I‘m not that great with instagram, but I try. Lol JacqMac40 6y
TheBookHippie thebookhippie 6y
RaimeyGallant @JacqMac We can be terrible at it together. ;) I love your pics on there, by the way. 6y
Melissa_J I‘m MelissaJ25 I don‘t post often though and not much about books. But I only have a few followers and all but two are family members 😆 6y
RaimeyGallant @Melissa_J Can I be honorary family? ;) 6y
Melissa_J Of course! Plus the more bookish people I have follow me the more likely I am to post about books 📚 6y
BookDragonNotWorm I'm on there as shanniniganspen but usually don't post books 6y
Shemac77 Shemac77. 6y
hermyknee I‘m her.my.knee 6y
Melissa_J @JacqMac I just followed you 😊 6y
thereadingowlvina Just followed you! Mine is thereadingowlvina 😁 6y
RavenLovelyReads @MyBookSwapClub i followed back! 🤓 6y
Beachesnbooks I‘m beachesnbooks there too! 😄 6y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot @RaimeyGallant I've been there for over a year now, and still tagging at 390...:) 6y
Melissa_J @RavenLovelyReads I just found you 😊 6y
LMJenkins Whoops, I was wrong...I am @Laurenmckeonjenkins 6y
RaimeyGallant @LMJenkins Found it! :) 6y
Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures This is me: _lost_in_a_fictional_world_ 6y
JoScho Joscho529 😊 6y
RavenLovelyReads @Melissa_J followed back- cute dog btw! 6y
Dan_SpiderCrafts I'm there as aloemantis 🤓📚 6y
batsy I'm there as subabat :) Rarely post but I'm there to look at everyone else's pretty pictures 😂 6y
inthegreensandblues I followed you! I rarely post but look most days. 😊 christinetraner 6y
Pamwurtzler I‘m pamwurtzler. I rarely post as well but like to look! 6y
SkeletonKey I‘m skeletonkeystudio for anyone who enjoys art stuff, but I‘m going to talk about books a bit too soon. 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Following you. I'm @chellerydz there. 6y
Reecaspieces I am following. Reecaspiecesbooks 6y
Bamazin b_ammazin I will follow everyone! 6y
RainyDayReading I will give you a follow as soon as I switch from this app to that app 😁 my handle is fableforager 6y
Sharpeipup Mine‘s the same here as on Instagram 6y
rwmg Robert.W.M.Greaves, though I don't use IG much 6y
Emilymdxn Emilymdxn sams as here! 6y
Meaw_catlady Meaw_catlady 😻😻😻 so same as on here! 6y
dfmatthews32 dfmatthews 😁😃😁 6y
ephemeralwaltz Same as here! ephemeralwaltz 6y
Cadyly @cadyly 😀 6y
WellReadCatLady Same as on here! 6y
cassareada I followed you! @cassiopia91 6y
Ava_Black @jlightbody01 🙂Trying to folliw all... (edited) 6y
RinaBrahmbhattBarot I'm following everyone later! Please return the favour 👍🏼 6y
Sha0102 @sau0102 Following you all asap@ 6y
Purrfectpages I‘m jbloss18! 6y
plemmdog I‘m plemmdog 6y
BooknerdsLife I am currently logged out from my Instagram, but will definitely be following your account ASAP. My handle is @eliza2ndaccount :) 6y
DimeryRene @green_light_philosophy !!!! Excited to follow you! 💚💚 6y
throwmeabook I‘m throwmeabook and I followed you! 6y
Iamrooreads Rooreads :) 6y
MaGoose @janeacairns I will be using Instagram to talk more about books in the near future. I'll follow everyone who's here. I think I follow some already. 6y
RaimeyGallant @MaGoose Sounds great! 6y
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