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It‘s not uncommon to find yourself walking a path you never wanted. Every parent dreads the idea of a child dying. And we don‘t want to see political upheaval and violence in our countries. Yet, Congressman Ruskin experienced both in the last days of 2020 and on Jan 6, 2021. His well-done story of his experience is intense and heart breaking on multiple levels. 4.5/5 stars

Full review https://www.TheBibliophage.com #nonfiction2022 #imadisaster

Amiable I have this one in my pile but haven‘t started it yet. Great review! 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Amiable Thanks. It‘s an intense one! 2y
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Oh my, this is a rough read. But every word is important. We need to understand how militia groups are empowered and growing. This explains some history, but also more immediate info of concern, like how people are radicalized. It‘s very timely considering the Jan 6th Committee Hearings happening now. Highly recommend, but full of scary stuff.

Full review https://www.TheBibliophage.com
#thebibliophage2022 #nonfictionchallenge2022 #imadisaster

Susanita Mark Levin says the J6 hearings are nothing but “false evidence.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Susanita Of course he does. 🙇🏼‍♀️ 2y
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If you go into this expecting a true crime novel, you'll be disappointed. It's part true crime, part memoir, and part history of the area.

While I enjoyed this book, I felt that the author never brings everything together in a way to justify all the different side stories presented.

Addison_Reads #Nonfiction2022 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa #ImADisaster I'm using this for "disaster" because the process of solving this crime was a hot mess. 3y
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An infuriating and heartbreaking true account of the nuclear power plant disaster that took place in Ukraine in the late 1980‘s. More than anything, the way the Soviet‘s tried to coverup the disaster and ultimately betrayed hundreds of thousands of its own citizens and others around the globe was devastating to read. Higginnbotham did a great job of making the science easy to grasp and humanizing the story.

TrishB Great review 👍🏻 my sister was pregnant at Chernobyl time. My nephew developed cancer within a year of birth. A very rare cancer of which there was a cluster in the U.K. at the time, research says it was down to Chernobyl fall out!! He is 34 now and been fine since he was 6, but it was scary times. (edited) 3y
Cinfhen That is terrifying @TrishB and I‘m sure England wasn‘t the only non Soviet country to see/feel the effects years later. I‘m so glad he‘s ok today and lived a normal healthy life💚 3y
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MicheleinPhilly @TrishB Jesus! That‘s horrifying! 3y
squirrelbrain That is awful @TrishB ! 3y
TrishB @Cinfhen @MicheleinPhilly it feels like history now, but I remember being 19 and feeling totally overwhelmed- but then thinking how must my sister and BIL feel. Not something you ever want to go through. 3y
TrishB @squirrelbrain it was awful ❤️ I look at him proudly now and he says himself he can‘t really remember it so we don‘t talk about it a lot with him. 3y
Hooked_on_books He did such a good job with so book. So good. And yes, such a heartbreaking story. 3y
Cortg All governments cover up way too much all throughout history and today. @TrishB Wow! I‘m glad he survived and doesn‘t remember much from that time. ❤️ 3y
CarolynM @TrishB I'm so glad your nephew's story had a happy ending. I hadn't heard about that consequence of Chernobyl. 3y
Cathythoughts @TrishB that‘s so scary .. thank god your nephew has been well sinse then ❤️ 3y
TrishB @Cortg @CarolynM @Cathythoughts thank you friends ♥️ 3y
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OMG!! The level of dishonesty, false information and total disregard for the public‘s well being is SHOCKING!!!! #PoP22 #ManMadeDisaster #NF22 #ImADisaster

TrishB That was definitely never their priority. 3y
Cortg I read this one last year. Very disheartening on so many levels. 3y
Lizpixie This was one of my top reads of 2020 I think. I was so indignant of behalf of the poor people of the Ukraine. This disaster looms large in my memory, the Cold War had me terrified of anything nuclear! 3y
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KarenUK Paul read this and thought it was excellent. He then watched the HBO series which he also loved. 3y
BarbaraBB I read another book about it and was equally shocked 3y
Megabooks I agree. I read this first but it hit me even harder reading 3y
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An adult nonfiction GN about Katrina that goes through the storm & its aftermath in great detail. The art isn‘t graphic or shocking, but the details included in the text are - I would not show this to kids. This did a great job of merging a timeline with a narrative so I was able to integrate new facts with those pieces I already knew & come away feeling like I have a complete picture of this piece of recent history. #Nonfiction2022 #ImADisaster

megnews I‘ve been meaning to read this. Thanks for this great review. 3y
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I agree with @vivastory that there are some quotes from this oral history of the Chernobyl disaster and its aftermath that I will never forget. I connected much more with her interviewees than I did with Midnight in Chernobyl. Aleksievich spoke to families who fled or were resettled, soldiers that were deployed there and their wives, and even the children being raised in its wake. Deeply moving. Thank you, Scott. 5⭐️ #NYWD22

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Riveted_Reader_Melissa I‘ve had this one sitting on my shelf for awhile, looks like a good time to read it. 3y
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Hooked_on_books I‘ve read three of hers, including this one, and am blown away every time. She‘s so good. 3y
Cinfhen I was gonna use Midnight but maybe I‘ll switch to this book if I can #BorrowNotBuy - great review 🧡 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen midnight is good to but this one has 💜💜💜 big time! 3y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books what other(s) would you recommend? Thanks 👍🏻 3y
Cinfhen I prefer 💜💜💜xx will look for it 😘 3y
Hooked_on_books The two others I‘ve read are Secondhand Time and The Unwomanly Face of War. Both are terrific, but if I had to suggest only one, it would be the latter. 3y
BarbaraBB This book broke my heart 3y
Megabooks @Hooked_on_books thank you! Apparently I‘ve already stacked it, but I should get to it. (edited) 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB me too!! 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB I thought about you several times today. 💜💜 sending love to you all. 3y
vivastory Great review! I'm so glad that it had such an impact on you. I was looking for more works by her while book shopping today but no luck. 3y
Megabooks @vivastory I had to order this from Book Depository, so I may have to try there again for her other books. Thank you so much for the rec! 3y
vivastory I'm definitely going to look for the one that @Hooked_on_books also recommended. Will probably order on bookshop.org 3y
BarbaraBB Thanks. It was a tough day. Kids went to see grandma and say goodbye. They were very close to her and extreme sad. And we had to think about the funeral, music etc. Sad. Thank you so much for thinking of us 🙏🤍 3y
Daisey I‘ve read Midnight in Chernobyl and I‘ve read other books by this author, although this one is still on the TBR. I can imagine it is definitely more personal and impactful. 3y
Megabooks @Daisey yes, it really was. Midnight was good but very dry in comparison. I‘m excited to read more by this author! 3y
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