Some of you are aware that @BookishMarginalia and I are married. I was wondering how many other couples are out there on @Litsy . #bookishCouple #IMarriedABookLover
kdwinchester I married my rival in my writing program in college. At some point, our arguing turned into a relationship. Incidentally, our writing professor officiated at our wedding. Oh, the magic of nerd love. 😂😍❤️ @samwinchester90 8y
BookishMarginalia 💜💜💜😍😍😍💜💜💜 8y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Hubby n I are bookish nerds together! 😍 He just left for Chicago for a conference and asked me to send a list for when he hits the used bookstores. (he's not on Litsy, though 😕) 8y
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BookBabe You already know this, I think... Me & @MrBook ! 📚💕 8y
LauraBeth I married a Dominican who was born and raised in the Bronx who had never left NYC until he was 30. Not a reader but I let it go because he's a decent human being who treats people with kindness and respect. 😛 I can compromise on the reading thing. 8y
Dogearedcopy My DH & I are both bookish people: We both work in the publishing industry (and often even work together); and we both love to read on our own time. There are two differences in re reading: He is an audiobook narrator while I'm a studio rat; and he prefers expository non-fiction and foreign mysteries while I prefer narrative non-fiction and science fiction! 8y
WanderingBookaneer @Dogearedcopy : I am an avid audiobook listener and am curious. Do you mind giving us a name? 8y
MrBook You and @BookishMarginalia are too cute & post awesome material! @kdwinchester You aarrrre going to write a book about that, aren't you? Because if not, then @BookBabe and I will be coming to interview you two for the one we'll write 😊😎👍🏻. Yay to everything except the Litsy non-membership. I guess he vicariously lives through you on here, lol. @BookBabe 😍😍😍😻😻😻! 8y
MrBook @LauraBeth What a great story! 😆😁👍🏻! @Dogearedcopy That is very cool!!! 8y
kdwinchester @MrBook 😂 If I don't, @samwinchester90 might write the screenplay. But if we haven't done anything with it by our 25th anniversary, I'll let you know. 😆😁 8y
kdwinchester @JaimitaPR @Dogearedcopy Yes, I am curious too! 8y
Dogearedcopy @JaimitaPR @kdwinchester My DH is Grover Gardner :-) 8y
WanderingBookaneer @Dogearedcopy : Prolific! His voice has a retro-radio-announcer vibe to it. 8y
Merethebookgal Unfortunately, my husband is not a reader, but I did get him to read the whole Harry Potter series and he loved it, so I count that as a win! 😃 8y
kdwinchester @Dogearedcopy My goodness! I have listened to several of his audiobooks!! This is just too cool. ❤️ 8y
Little_Reader @Dogearedcopy So crazy! I listened to him narrate The Stand for four hours today! This is why the Litsy community is an amazing place! 8y
BookishFeminist @Dogearedcopy I love the stuff he narrates!! What a small world. Get him on Litsy! 8y
BookishFeminist Such a fun post! @becausetrains & I have been together for years and at this point have been engaged about half that time 😂 we never feel like planning anything. Our reading taste sometimes coincides but he reads more thrillers & mysteries and I read more sci fi fantasy. He also binds books & has made me several journals I cherish during our relationship & proposed with a book box for my engagement ring! 8y
WanderingBookaneer @BookishFeminist : 😍 8y
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