My name is Kristin, and so is my handle. Not very creative, I know! But I‘m creative enough elsewhere in my life as a musician and artist. This is a recent self-portrait I made, graphite pencil on paper, 11x17”.
@Chelleo #LitsyHandle #HelloMyNameIs
My name is Kristin, and so is my handle. Not very creative, I know! But I‘m creative enough elsewhere in my life as a musician and artist. This is a recent self-portrait I made, graphite pencil on paper, 11x17”.
@Chelleo #LitsyHandle #HelloMyNameIs
#hellomynameis @Chelleo #litsyhandle
I'm Jess and I chose my Litsy handle very quickly, I think it's the same as my WordPress log in. When I was growing up there were very few Jessica's and then it became popular so I am one of the older ones I think!
My bf was away with the boys last night. I don't particularly like being alone at night but I LOVE a lazy Sunday morning on my own 😊
getting books for Xmas didn't stop me buying more today though
#ihaveaproblem #hellomynameis #andimabookoholic