#Julyinbooks18 #Happyshelfiesunday
I often gaze adoringly at them.
#Julyinbooks18 #Happyshelfiesunday
I often gaze adoringly at them.
Set in Oklahoma in 1989, this coming of age story is engaging from the first pages and maintains a fast pace. Unfortunately, though the characters feel authentic, I just never connected with any of them... but I think it could be a great book for discussion groups! #HappyShelfieSunday! #FebInBooks18 @bookisglee
When I saw today‘s #DecDays prompt was #cold, this book immediately popped in my head. It‘s the 1st book I ever bought on Kindle and while a thick slow burn, was an absolutely incredible historical thriller. Picture taken under my tree for #ornaments (#reindeerreads) and #christmaslights (#decktheshelves) & a peek for #happyshelfiesunday (#decinbooks17)