11-6-22: Spent the day at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida. Most of the buildings on campus were created by architect Frank Lloyd Wright. It was beautiful. This was the Roux library. The whole place was fascinating. 📖📚☀️
11-6-22: Spent the day at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida. Most of the buildings on campus were created by architect Frank Lloyd Wright. It was beautiful. This was the Roux library. The whole place was fascinating. 📖📚☀️
This is a book club choice, the subject of which I have no previous knowledge of.
Unfortunately the only edition in the library is large print so it's a whopper!
Heard about this one on a podcast and found it in the library on the same day. Score! I had no idea about the tragedy involving Frank Lloyd Wright‘s mistress. Obviously I haven‘t read Loving Frank yet but that might be up next along with The Women by TC Boyle. Time for a FLW deep dive.
#nonfictionNovember #NFN20 #NFN2020
Favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon, curled up with a mug of sweet coffee and a book. Frank Lloyd Wright is my all time favorite architect, I‘m loving reading about him, while also developing some serious judgements on his character. Character faults aside he is without a doubt a master of architecture
After putting this off for the whole of the year I can finally join in all the love and say, what a book! Detailing the scandalous relationship between architect Frank Lloyd Wright and his married client Mamah Borthwick Cheney, we come to know a woman making decisions and leading a life well ahead of her time in the early 1900s. I‘m surprised I don‘t know more about her, so down the🐰 🕳 I go!
More #FrankLloydWright architecture — from the parking lot! An abundance of architectural riches at Florida Southern College in #LakelandFL