Even though I work at a library, I do sometimes buy myself a book that I know I‘ll really love. This just arrived today. Yay! #fivestarprediction
Even though I work at a library, I do sometimes buy myself a book that I know I‘ll really love. This just arrived today. Yay! #fivestarprediction
#currentread I‘m only a couple of chapters in, but I am soooo loving this one so far.... this is a #fivestarprediction 🤞
Wish I didn‘t have to go to work in an hour 😔
I was tagged by @CareBear weeks ago to do a #FiveStarPrediction, but I'm really late to the game. I'm actually adding a sixth with the book of poetry, because The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is an old book, but new to me as I've never read it. I also rarely give five star ratings. There are books I really like and I will recommend and then there are those few books I'll read and be ecstatic about and rave about for years, so we shall see. :)
I was tagged by @Tiffy_Reads for #fivestarpredictions.
I've been a little flummoxed since returning home from my trip so I'm quite a bit late posting this. I tagged Ink and Bone bc it was my #fivestarprediction when @dariazeoli tagged me a while ago and I was right!! It was so so so good!!! Gotta get the sequel!
I was tagged by @Pruzy to do another #FiveStarPrediction and I'm starting to run low on books to predict that for lol So I'm predicting that these two trilogies will be 4-5 stars in average. Hopefully I'm right! 😊
I can't remember who I tagged to do this before, so I'm doing this as another open tag. Anyone who wants to play, please do!
Ooooh I get to tag two #littens with this one! Thank you sweet @LitTraveler for finding this one for me! @Alicia I'm putting this on my #fivestarprediction
I was tagged by @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled for #fivestarprediction. Now, I give 5 stars to perhaps 1/50 books, so these are more five star HOPES than predictions! The non-English except for the Adichie book are The Gray House (the Russian one) and The History of Bees!
I was tagged by @JoeStalksBeck for #fivestarprediction
This was my September prediction and I just finished it a couple of days ago. It didn't disappoint. #fivestars
Ok, @JoeStalksBeck nominated me, so I'm going to do one more #FiveStarPrediction 😊
I can't remember everyone who I tagged last time, and so many people have done this already. So if you want to do a #FiveStarPrediction post, consider this your open tag! Okay? So post away and feel free to tag me, because I love to see these predictions! ❤️