Another great fantasy series. Met the author a few times at signings and he‘s a really nice person and he is good to follow on fb 😁
Another great fantasy series. Met the author a few times at signings and he‘s a really nice person and he is good to follow on fb 😁
Hubby and I are both big Clive Barker fans (from before we were together). I was lucky enough to meet him several times while he still lived in Liverpool.
Hubby did one better and worked with his brother and got invited to tea whilst Clive was there. Clive drew the pic in the book for hubby. I‘m not jealous.
Clive wrote genius horror/fantasy.
Following the lead of @TracyReadsBooks and sharing one of my favourite signed books. I stumbled across this copy of The Piano Man's Daughter 10+ years ago. A family member gave it to me and told me to just pass it along when I was done with it...she didn't even realize that having a signed copy was a big deal! Needless to say, I pulled a selfish on this one and did *not* just send it on down the line. #FavoriteSignedBooks #FavouriteSignedBooks