My #FavoriteCaptain is probably the Once Upon a Time version of Captain Hook. I think it's the eyeliner that does it for me. #WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
My #FavoriteCaptain is probably the Once Upon a Time version of Captain Hook. I think it's the eyeliner that does it for me. #WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
This pick is more because Captain Hook is so memorable than because I think he's the best. #FavoriteCaptain #WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
My #favoritecaptain is the Pirate Queen herself, Grace O'Malley. These are just a few of the books I have about her. #PiratesLife #WhatAWayToLive
Surely there can only be one #favoritecaptain, and that is Captain Pugwash (of course this may have just been a British Phenomenon). Captain Haddock from Tintin came a close second! Of course in those innocent days we missed out on the use of names and the messages in them, thankfully. Spoilt what shouldn't have been spoilt.
Okay, so I may not be a fan of this series' humor, but I am a fan of the purpose behind it. After hearing an interview with Dav Pilkey I had no choice, but to add them to my collection. His intention was to reach the reluctant reader and I would say it was a job well done! #favoritecaptain #whatawaytolive #pirateslife @CrowCAH
It goes without saying who my #FavoriteCaptain is; Captain Jack Sparrow!!!
There are several great captains throughout the POTC universe: Barbossa, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Davy Jones, The Bretheren Court, Lord Cutler Beckett, and Blackbeard! Can't wait to see who will join their ranks in the new movie, Dead Men Tell No Tales.
Hallmark ornament, with sound!
#WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
My #favoritecaptain, in both his screen incarnations, as well as his bookish one. #pirateslife #whatawaytolive
Sorry fellow readers, I couldn't wait any longer to get to The Letter, & finished the book, not just today's chapter. #sorrynotsorry #allthefeels
I don't think this will ever not be my favorite Austen. Also, I know it's a day early, but as I can't think of anything for today's prompt, I'm going to jump ahead and declare Captain Wentworth my #favoritecaptain, and worry about today's prompt tomorrow. #classicbuddyread #pirateslife #whatawaytolive