Day 24 - #Bridges #MagicalMay
#TheGreatBridge #DavidMcCullough
I read this in 2011 and enjoyed it very much. Very interesting!
Day 24 - #Bridges #MagicalMay
#TheGreatBridge #DavidMcCullough
I read this in 2011 and enjoyed it very much. Very interesting!
#GreatBridge #DavidMcCullough #LetsTravelAugust
I read this book in 2011 and enjoyed it very much! It is about the building of The Brooklyn Bridge. McCullough is an awesome writer! Who would think a book about a bridge would be so interesting!
I‘ve always been obsessed with air planes and flight, so this book was right up my alley. I enjoyed the story of the invention of the first air plane by the Wright Brothers and battle for recognition of their accomplishments. Over all, I would absolutely recommend this book. It‘s a little slow getting started, but it‘s worth the build up.
I‘ve been trying to figure out where I‘ve heard David McCullough‘s voice before. Then it hit me: he‘s the narrator of Ken Burns‘s documentary “The Civil War.”
#davidmccullough #thewrightbrothers #narrator #thecivilwar #kenburnes
Raised by a preacher, all three brothers and their sister were free to read and contemplate anything they wanted. On top of that, the brothers decided to stop attending church and their father was fine with that as well.
#thewrightbrothers #davidmccullough #audiobook
Getting started on this beauty. I‘ve always been a huge fan of flight and airplanes (Max 8‘s not withstanding), and I‘ve been on the wait list for this for a long time. I‘m excited to finally get to sit back and enjoy this audiobook.
#thewrightbrothers #davidmccullough #audiobook #audiobookandtea #audiobookwithbreakfast
Four of my favorite books for the #4thofjuly . #amreading #grateful #HowardZinn #MarkStein #davidmccullough #StephenPKiernan