Devoured this in one sitting! Here's my review with a link to pre-order special offer: https://mccombsonmain.wordpress.com/2019/09/11/review-the-line-between-by-tosca-...
#toscalee #thriller #speculativefiction #contemporary #couldntputitdown
Devoured this in one sitting! Here's my review with a link to pre-order special offer: https://mccombsonmain.wordpress.com/2019/09/11/review-the-line-between-by-tosca-...
#toscalee #thriller #speculativefiction #contemporary #couldntputitdown
Gobbled this book right up. Joe Talbot's story continues in this novel by Allen Eskens. What a story it is too!! He's now a reporter for the Associate Press, we get to follow him on an investigation that may be the murder of his father. #couldntputitdown
5⭐️ I loved this book and was completely absorbed in the tale. The world building and magic was just masterfully created. I grew to care about the characters and appreciated their diversity. Bardugo creates flawed characters with redemptive qualities quite well. I‘m so glad past Jess looked out for future Jess in buying the boxed set of this series... 😉
#ATB #ATBWeekendReadathon #YA #Recommend #CouldntPutItDown
I really enjoyed the new Sarah MacLean book, A Scot in the Dark. The heroine was resourceful, the hero had interesting confidence issues, and we got to revisit some favourite characters from her previous books. I especially enjoyed the descriptions of the dog house. #historicalromance #mustlovedogs #couldntputitdown
If you could go back in time ... Could a single bullet really start a war? Could a single bullet stop one? If you could go back in time and stop some of the biggest madness and suffering the world has ever seen! HOW would you stop it? Like many Ben Eltons, I #couldntputitdown #septphotochallenge #somethingforseptember
So many great villains to choose from!!! Annie Wilkes scares the crap out of me. I run across so many people in L.A. who function well enough in society, but seem off in a way I just can't put my finger on. How many are 'Annies'? :::shiver::: #favevillain #somethingforSept
Catching up on the #SeptemberPhotoChallenge #couldntputitdown . This is the last one that got me like that. I was completely absorbed and as obsessed as the main character to solve the mystery of the elusive Julián Carax. #somethingforsept
#septphotochallenge #couldntputitdown #somethingforseptember These are just some of the books that I love and got completely lost in the stories.