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"I just might get lucky, so I better make sure she likes the smell downstairs,” said the 99-year-old Carter, holding open his waistband and reaching inside to apply a generous quantity of Brut eau de toilette spray to his penis and scrotum. “Yes, sir, this could be the night I catch me some strange. Better squirt some of this stuff on my [adjustable home hospital bed] too, in case we come back to my place." ???????

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I really enjoyed this re-read of A Full Life, Jimmy Carter‘s reflections on his life. It‘s not very long so each topic is brief but it gives a great overview of all he has done both in the White House and beyond.

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Jimmy Carter was president before I was old enough to know what a president was, but I have been a great admirer of his post-presidential life. I‘m sad to hear that he is going into hospice care, but so happy that I once met such an amazing role model. This is me with him after his Sunday School lesson in 2011. I‘m re-reading the tagged book in his honor. He‘s certainly had a full life.

Sparklemn I was sad to hear the news, too, but what an amazing life he has led. So glad you got to meet him! 2y
Tamra ☹️ From all I‘ve read & heard, a good man & good life. 2y
MallenNC @Sparklemn It was a true honor. My friend & I visited the historic sites in his hometown and someone told us about his Sunday School lessons. We made a special trip back for that. It was so special. 2y
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MallenNC @Tamra Same. He did so much with his life. I wish there were more like him. 2y
Leftcoastzen I met him at a book signing years ago .so nice . He was so dedicated to service after his presidency. 2y
Suet624 He‘s a wonderful man. Imagine if all past Presidents lived a life of loving service to others after they served their term in office. 2y
Megabooks He led such an amazing life and was deeply underappreciated president. Very cool that you got to meet him! 2y
MallenNC @Leftcoastzen I got to see him at a book signing here in Raleigh once too, but I only got about 2 seconds in front of him while he signed. He had it down to a science! 2y
MallenNC @Suet624 The world would be a much better place if that were the case! 2y
MallenNC @Megabooks I agree. There were many things that he did that were ahead of his time. Like putting solar panels on the White House! Meeting him was so great. My friend had moved to Georgia and the first place we went together when I visited was his presidential library in Atlanta, then to Plains later. I‘d always wanted to go, and I‘m so glad we did it! I can‘t imagine any other former president teaching Sunday School. 2y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Whooo… this one was chunky (30+ hours), but really good. I thought it did a great job of providing insight to who Jimmy Carter is and his quirks as well his tremendous capabilities and drive. He is a much more impressive person and president than I had realized. Definitely worth a read if you have any interest in presidential biographies or 20th century American history.

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My September #bookspin bingo board! Excited about this, but just got the tagged book earlier than expected from the library, and at 31 hours, it is a chunky monkey and is going to take some time to get through. Goal is to get through my book spin and double spin and get at least one bingo…

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What book did the rest of y'all read? I want my time back! I was super-psyched leading up to publication, and even more so after reading the prologue. I get not wanting to sugarcoat a historical figure's failings, but this goes above and beyond. [more]

JoyBlue In fact, I'd say there was more painting Carter as petty, vengeful, and overly demanding than there was describing his significant political successes (and failures) and humanitarian work (which is truly given short-shrift). That is, the 800 pages seem skewed toward Carter's personality and demeanor. [more] 4y
JoyBlue So, how about this? “Author's note: Jimmy Carter has always been a two-faced, racist, petty, vengeful, demanding so-and-so.“ Then, see if this puppy couldn't get cut down to around 200 pages. Better yet, just fill however many pages are actually necessary to describe the substance of Carter's political and humanitarian work, without making him sound like the devil incarnate. 4y
Ericalambbrown You aren‘t the first I‘ve heard say this about this book. I think I‘ll pass on this one. 4y
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JoyBlue @Ericalambbrown Really?! I'm glad I'm not alone. Pretty much everyone on Goodreads raved about it. 4y
iread2much So this book is a hit job on President Carter? 4y
JoyBlue @iread2much I'm not sure that I'd go quite that far, but I'm really confused about the stark difference between the tone of the prologue and the rest of the book. The author took pretty much every opportunity (each time a new topic was started) to criticize Carter's personality. People operate and react to each other differently. It's very personal/subjective. Books of this type should focus on factual reporting of the events and their impact. 4y
iread2much @JoyBlue I agree, unless he knows Carter intimately as a friend, he can‘t even really guess about Pres. Carter‘s internal workings. Thanks for the reply and the summary! 4y
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While watching “Jimmy Carter Rock and Roll President” last week, I noticed they were reading from his book of poetry “Always a Reckoning”. Located a signed one to remind me of what leadership and thoughtfulness truly is.

ValerieAndBooks Very nice! I saw him speak at my university (post-presidency) many years ago 😊 4y
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"What are the things that you can't see that are important?"

Such an interesting question! What do you think? I'd say curiosity, contentment, plus something sciency - like the chemistry in brains.

Christmas in Plains: Memories | Jimmy Carter, Amy Carter
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Finished this one today. 🎄😊📖 #meeryreaders wintergames @Clwojick


Fantastic and comprehensive biography of a Jimmy Carter. Gives a new appreciation for the long lived former President and humanitarian; as well as of the 70s