Finishing his account of his childhood in Plains on the day of his funeral, it is clear that Carter had an unique understanding of work, race, land and humility that impacted his values. We lost a great one.
Finishing his account of his childhood in Plains on the day of his funeral, it is clear that Carter had an unique understanding of work, race, land and humility that impacted his values. We lost a great one.
#signedsundays I met President and Mrs. Carter in Georgia a couple of years ago and was too shy to ask them to sign anything. Then by chance I came across this signed copy at Bell's Books in Palo Alto. It's nice to have the signature, but what I love even more is the short shorts snapshot the previous owner taped inside. You know there must have been a good story there. @GregoryCass
#augustphotochallenge I ❤️❤️❤️❤️ #used books especially the surprises inside them -clockwise: a snapshot of Jimmy Carter in short shorts, a note from a friend on the Canadian-ness of his wedding gift (a signed One Canada) Mrs. Bertha Burrows other favorite poems straight-pinned inside Robert Service, the note my hub wrote inside a Homerton College Cambridge stamped copy of The Old Man and the Sea he found in Shrewsbury, UK.