Counting down the 172 days to the wedding with cats, chocolate, and 172 chapters of Harry Potter! @AJTimberlake #catsoflitsy #CHATwedding2019 💜
Counting down the 172 days to the wedding with cats, chocolate, and 172 chapters of Harry Potter! @AJTimberlake #catsoflitsy #CHATwedding2019 💜
@chikin511 and I read Harry Potter and the Philosopher‘s Stone several months ago. Last night we decided to finish the series together before the wedding. We added up all the chapters of the last 6 books and realised there were exactly as many pages as there were days until we got married. We will be doing a #buddyread through Harry Potter to have a way to see the time progressing until the wedding. #171daystogo #CHATwedding2019