📚Poldark!!! So good 😋
...And SO LATE as a contribution to #booksetbythesea !
#septphotochallenge #somethingforsept
📚Poldark!!! So good 😋
...And SO LATE as a contribution to #booksetbythesea !
#septphotochallenge #somethingforsept
Day 20 #somethingforsept was #booksetbythesea forgot to post this yesterday 😞 but I remember reading this on holiday and dreaming of being somewhere so secluded and peaceful. I changed my mind about that when I finished the book though!!
It's #Recommendsday and this is the best #Booksetbythesea for me (well, maybe except for Woolf's 'Lighthouse'). It's set in Scotland and has a rather unique detective figure. Highly recommended!
This is the best #BookSetByTheSea I've read. It's got mermaids, circus performers, family secrets, and a library and house that are slowly being swallowed by the sea. #SomethingForSept #SeptPhotoChallenge
Four books I need to re-read! #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge #BookSetByTheSea
#booksetbythesea or at least ON the sea. I actually can't even remember when or where or why I have Atlantis rising. I'm still unpacking from a move and found that in a random box. Gotta love those unexpected treasures 😉
The sea which lies before me as I write glows rather than sparkles in the bland May sunshine. With the tide turning, it leans quietly against the land, almost unflecked by ripples or by foam. Near to the horizon it is a luxuriant purple, spotted with regular lines of emerald green. At the horizon it is indigo. #somethingforsept #booksetbythesea
This is the story of the only Mexican on board the Titanic. Very tragic 😞🛳 #booksetbythesea #setbythesea #septemberphotochallenge #somethingforsept