Starting this for the @bookcougars readalong #bookcougarsreadalong #translatedfiction #jennyerpenbeck #gowentgone #currentlyreading
Starting this for the @bookcougars readalong #bookcougarsreadalong #translatedfiction #jennyerpenbeck #gowentgone #currentlyreading
We did a little book shopping at Boswell‘s today. I now have my #ReadingGoals2020 selected. The tagged book is for the #BookCougarsReadALong #Bookcougars
#DearDecember @Eggs
Weekend reading. I think it‘s safe to say I won‘t run out of material #thereadinglife #ilovereading #weekendreads #readingenvyreadalong #bookcougarsreadalong ##bookclubreads
Thankful for a three day weekend. Time to get some reading on! Next up: Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy : the Story of Little Women and Why It Still Matters by Anne Boyd Rioux @bookcougars #fridayreads #littlewomen #louisamayalcott #bookcougarsreadalong