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Black Cherry Blues | James L Burke
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(Day 10 - #BlueBayou)

It‘s not blue—but this is my own private bayou, just outside the gate of my backyard. It‘s called Bayou Tarkiln. I tagged James Lee Burke‘s book for two reasons: He is from Louisiana, and like me, has seen his fair share of bayous; and this particular novel has Dave Robicheaux trying to solve the mystery of a dead body found in a bayou. That‘s blue enough, I think....

KathyWheeler I went to New Iberia for a gumbo festival and saw Victor‘s with its “Dave Robicheaux eats here” sign. Someday, I will go back during a less busy time and actually eat there. 😊 6y
gradcat @KathyWheeler Do you live around here? Or were you visiting? 6y
batsy How wonderful! 6y
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KathyWheeler @gradcat I was visiting a friend in Lafayette; I used to live in Pineville. Now I‘m in Alabama. 6y
Lizpixie I‘d have loved to visit your home state one day👍❤️ 6y
gradcat @Lizpixie I so wish you could—right now—I‘d love it! 🥰 6y
gradcat @KathyWheeler I certainly know where Pineville is...I had a good friend in college that was from there. I‘m going to ask what is probably a stupid question, but here goes: Do you like it better where you are now? 6y
andrew61 Great image. 6y
KathyWheeler @gradcat You would think I would because I love the ocean and I‘m closer to that, but there was something about Louisiana that made me feel that I was finally home. So I miss it. 6y
gradcat @andrew61 Thank you! 🙏 6y
gradcat @KathyWheeler There is something about Louisiana that gets in the very soul of a person...I was born here, and although I don‘t love where I live now, I really appreciate the people...and the tenor of the place. 6y
KathyWheeler @gradcat My mom was French Canadian from Nova Scotia; I look a lot like her. When I lived there, people always thought I was Cajun and that they knew me from somewhere. 6y
gradcat @KathyWheeler Why does that sound like my cousins in south Louisiana? They always think all the Cajuns must be their kin! 😂😂 6y
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Dreamcatcher: A Novel | Stephen King
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#MarchIntoThe70s @Cinfhen @Lizpixie

I don't know why but when I listen to #BlueBayou I can't help but think of the movie adaptation of Dreamcatcher

Lizpixie That‘s an outside-of-the-box connection🤔 6y
fandom_hellspawn99 I literally have no clue why but for some reason my brain associates those 2 things together lol @Lizpixie 6y
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#bluebayou immediately brings to mind a favorite city of mine, New Orleans. This is the fascinating tale of a woman rediscovered in NOLA 25 years after she went missing. She‘s been sold into slavery and doesn‘t recall her life as a white person.

I thought this was riveting and I hope to reread it.


LeahBergen I liked this one, too. 👍🏻 6y
Lizpixie This song is bringing up all the Louisiana references!👍❤️ 6y
Cinfhen Sounds fabulous ~ obviously not the slavery part 😛 6y
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#BlueBayou | The full title of this memoir says it all. A resident of coastal Mississippi when Hurricane Katrina hit, Julie Freed experienced two life-changing events simultaneously. This is a thoughtfully-written account of a relationship‘s demise and a hurricane‘s devastation.


Cinfhen I‘ve already stacked but now it‘s a #SeekAndFind ❤️ 6y
Lizpixie This sounds interesting👍❤️ 6y
britt_brooke @Cinfhen @Lizpixie It‘s a great read! 6y
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Camp Songs | Anon
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“CPR faster
It‘s not working, do do do do do do
It‘s not working, do do do do do do
It‘s not working, do do do do do do
It‘s not working
Now you‘re dead.”

There‘s a darker side to Blue Bayou. 🤣

👂🏻🐛: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LWwr-6PB2z0

#MarchIntoThe70s | 10: #BlueBayou

📷: Made with Typorama

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Day 10: #bluebayou #marchintothe70s

Bayous bring Louisiana to mind.

@Lizpixie @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I absolutely equate Louisiana with bayous and with superstitions ☠️💀 6y
gradcat I‘m still soooo afraid of anything thirteen....spooky! 6y
Lizpixie Everyone‘s doing a Louisiana reference for this!💙 6y
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Bluebird, Bluebird | Attica Locke
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Two murders, a black man and a white woman, in a small town on the edge of the bayou in East Texas. Texas ranger Darren, who might be avoiding going home (🎶he‘s going back someday 🎶) investigates, whether he should or not.

I really enjoy Attica Locke‘s thrillers, and the audio versions are excellent!
#bluebayou #MarchIntoThe70s

jenniferw88 Book 2 comes out later this year - can't wait! 6y
rockpools @jenniferw88 Thank you! I didn‘t know that - stacked in anticipation! 😊 6y
Cinfhen Still wanting to read this one!! Thanks for putting it back on my radar 😊🙌🏻 6y
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squirrelbrain Sounds great, stacked! 6y
andrew61 Great choice, i picked it up from the library last week so plan to read it soon. 6y
Lizpixie Stacking this too!👍 6y
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Queen of Swords | Sara Donati
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#bluebayou gives me a chance to plug one of my favorite historical fiction series. I love the Wilderness series, and this book partly takes place in New Orleans during the War of 1812. Also, did anyone else sing this song in their kitchen and think Linda Ronstadts voice was perfect??? (I was about 6...)

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#MarchIntoThe70s #Day10 #BlueBayou I grew up listening to Linda Ronstadt‘s Simple Dreams album. My dad used to play it every time he drank so I learned them all by the time I was 6. Ronstadt was part of the Laurel Canyon crowd, along with The Mamas And The Papas, The Eagles, Joni Mitchell & The Doors. I would‘ve loved to sit in Mama Cass‘ yard, listening to Crosby Stills & Nash play music whilst the mountain breeze plays with the wind chimes.

Pricel101 My teen years were so similar. I know every word to that album ❤️ I loved Emmy Lou Harris, Bonnie Rait, .. all that music is dear to me too. 6y
Mdargusch Memories from music are good ones! 6y
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Heaven's Prisoners | James Lee Burke
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Burke knows how to spin a story. It's a wonderful, dark tale of despair, falling off the wagon, redemption and justice. #marchintothe70s #bluebayou
@Cinfhen @Lizpixie
Review coming

Cinfhen Gorgeous graphics and book sounds really good. 6y
writerlibrarian If noir lit is your jam Burke is a must read. In small doses for me because it gets me depressed but the writing is so good, the plot is solid but it's the characters that make it amazing. (edited) 6y
gradcat This bayou is much prettier than mine is, but we both tagged the same author (albeit different novels) 😂😂 6y
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