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#bkmrk #47. Love the colors.
#bkmrk #46 never read this as a kid. Beloved kids classic ?
#bkmrk #45. Is it bad that I love the fact that she‘s hiding a knife behind her back?
#bkmrk #44 so pretty. Flowers are little Sakura‘s 🌸. Idk if l‘ll actually use it cause so pretty.
#bkmrk #43. It‘s so pretty. 😍
#Bkmrk #42. The colors are pretty and everything seems to go so well together
#bkmrk #41 interesting.
#bkmrk #40 simple but so true lol
#bkmrk #39 found in a random book I got at a used book store once
#bkmrk #38 love the pineapple and the message